Adoption (In Editing)

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"Adopting one child won't change the world,
but for that child the world will change."


I lay awake late into the night, thinking about Zoe. Her face the morning of her birthday broke my heart. What must her life have been like, to have no one wish her happy birthday. What must she have gone through to believe so strongly that we had forgotten too.

She deserves so much better, I roll over to my other side, my mind spinning. Then it catches on to one thought, she deserves a family, and we could give that to her.

Adoption. The word is so familiar, we've been through it so many times before, with Cason and Chloe, and then with Tyler.

It's a long process covered in red tape, but it's always been worth it.

Do we really have the money to support another kid without any support?

Of course we do. We have so much, more than most.

Back and forth, pros and cons. But even as I consider, I know I've already made a decision. I want to adopt Zoe.

The real question is, is she ready for that? Does she really trust us that much yet?

I'm not sure. She's older than any of the others were. But maybe some reassurance that we won't send her away would help.

I'm torn, I'm scared I might scare her if I move to fast. Finally around 1:00 am. I decide to wait a few months before I bring it up with the kids. But then we'd set the process in motion. With the decision made, I drift off to sleep.

In the morning, however, I can't help but say, "I think we should make it official in a few months," to Bridger .

He gives me a sideways look, I know he knows what I meant, "You want to adopt her, don't you?"

"She needs a safe home, Bridger ."

He breaths out though his teeth, "I know."

"How can we not give her that?"

"We can't. When do you want to talk to the kids?"

"A month or two. I'm not sure she trusts us yet."

"What about for graduation?"

I look at him, "That's perfect."

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