Lady Amelia's Family

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(Prologue: five years ago) Amelia's POV

I wish that Percy was here with me and our cubs, but he is the our king's advisor. And with the up coming shifter meeting, the king needed him more then ever. Besides we didn't know when I left for the wild for our cubs first few months life. That our only daughter would be deaf.

My little Anastasia loves to wonder off not understanding how dangerous it is for her not to be able to hear my calls. Her three brothers are very protective of her and are usually always with her. But most of the time I have to carry her around when we move. Which makes it impossible for me to call the others.

Also two human men have been watching us recently. I sensed no threat from them, but always made sure they didn't get to close to us. The other day I felt a storm approaching and looked at the crystal blue sky. It may have been clear, but there was a strong east wind.

So I start to guide my cubs to higher ground, only one more week before we'd return to the castle. To Percy, who is very excited to meet his cubs. Especially our daughter, who we'd cherish always. But if she keeps stopping and wondering off, the storm would hit before we reached our shelter.

That following afternoon I was thinking on how to save all my cubs. If Percy was here, he'd carry Anastasia while I lead the other three. But he isn't here and I can't abandon my cubs. I then remember the two humans following us.

I knew they were researches of some kind, probably from a local wildlife reserve. Maybe they could help me save my cubs. I soon came up with the idea to leave Anastasia, praying the nice humans would save her from the storm. It was the hardest thing, I've ever done in my life.

(Prologue still: Five days later)

The storm had passed and my sons are alive & well. But I don't know about my precious Anastasia. I lead the three boys back down the mountain to our old den in search of my daughter. But she wasn't there, I couldn't smell her vanilla scent. I thought the humans would of brought her back after the storm.

So I waited two days, but they never returned and I never saw my daughter again. I knew they thought we were normal tigers and they probably realized she was deaf. No way, a feral deaf tiger could of survived in the wild and they knew that. Percy came the following day as our sons shifted into babies. Each was wrapped in a different blanket, but Anastasia blanket was left unused.

Percy and I searched all the nature reserves, zoos & wild animal owners around the country. But we could not find our Anastasia. We still pray each day for her safe return as we start our lives in the main castle.

(Five years later)

"What is it Percy?" I ask when he enters the room looking sadden but slightly hopeful.

"That was Striker on the phone, our prince has found his mate. But she is stuck in tiger form in a zoo like a common animal. Striker says she's been there for five years" he tells.

"They're in a Australia, right?" I ask looking at our five year old boys who look twenty. Due to our accelerated growth rate. With each year we age five years until we are twenty, then we age very slowly. At tenth of the normal rate, unless a girl is pregnant.

"Yes, Queensland to be precise" he states.

"You think Prince Adrian's mate is our Anastasia" I tell him.

"There's a slim chance, which is why I think we should go there. If she is only we can tell in her feline form" he tells me. "We'll take Jake, Cole and Harold as well" he adds.

"Where are we going?" Jake asks as he enters the room with Cole and Harold.

"Queensland to see the royals" I tell them.

"Awesome, I miss hanging with Adrian his like an old brother to us" Cole states.

"What's the other reason?" Harold asks.

"Nothing gets past you son" Percy says chucking. "There are a trapped shifter at Australia zoo and they need all the help they can get to free her" he states.

"Then we have to help" Jake and Cole state.

"When do we leave?" Harold asks.

"Tomorrow morning, so go pack" Percy tells them and they leave. "What? I made the call before telling you" he says shrugging. We go pack ourselves and we all had an early night.


Picture above of Lady Amelia and her three sons in tiger form. Picture on the external link of her sons as human babies.

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