Surprise Visitors

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Adrian's POV

Dad and Mum got back from their meeting with Terri & Jack. Things seemed to of gone well, Terri was willing to negotiate. So has put the breeding program on hold until we sort this out. But it was going slow which I don't like. I want my mate out of that cage and in my arms.

Right now I sat in the living room watching Leia and Luke as they watched Sponge-bob. When there was a knock at the door. "Mum someones at the door!" I call.

"Then answer it!" she shouts back and I sigh grumbling.

"You two behave" I tell the twins before going to answer the door. Just because we're royalty and live in a castle. Doesn't mean we have servants who tend to our every need, actually it's their day off today. "Harold!" I exclaim and he pulls me into a bro hug. Followed by Jake and Cole as their parents laugh.

"We got a call from Striker about your mate's situation" Lord Percy states.

"You weren't suppose to know yet" dad says as he appears with mum.

"Yes, well we want to help" Cole and Jake state together.

"If she is our Anastasia, we will know without her having to shift" Lady Amelia states.

"This is true" mum says as she hugs Lady Amelia. "A mother always recognizes her cubs" she states as they pull away.

"So how are the negotiations going?" Lord Percy asks father.

"We only started them last night and Terri has put the breeding program on hold until we solve this. But Adrian is a little impatient" Dad states.

"So would you be if your mate was locked up like a common animal" I tell him annoyed.

"Why don't you take the Edwards to the zoo" mum suggests.

"But I'm suppose to be watching the twins" I remind her.

"I can watch them now" she assures me.

"I'll stay with the king to discuss our plan of action" Lord Percy tells Lady Amelia. "She knows you four" he states.

"We still don't know if she is Anastasia" mum says gently.

"And we won't unless we meet her" Lady Amelia states. So I get my shoes, jacket, wallet and keys. I drive Lady Amelia, Cole, Jake and Harold to the zoo.

Delia's POV

I look up when I smile very familar scents to see that guy again. But this time accompany by three young men and a women. They smell so familar. I approach the fence looking into the woman's eyes as she starts to cry.

Adrian's POV

"My poor girl, what have they done to you?" Lady Amelia says she begins to cry.

"It's her, isn't it mum?" Cole and Jake ask as Harold wraps his arm around Lady Amelia's shoulder.

"Yes, that's my Anastasia" Lady Amelia states.

Delia's POV

Who are you? I think looking at the woman.

I'm you're mother Anastasia a woman's voice replies to me.

Mummy, why did you leave me? I ask tearing up.

It was the only way to save you and your brothers, don't worry we'll get you out she tells me. I smile looking at her and then to the three men beside her. They are your brothers, next time I'll bring you father also she assures me.

Don't worry mum, I'll be fine I tell her as I lay down.

When we free you, I will teach you how to shift she promises me. Just then one of my brothers shakes her shoulder gently. I realize he is the same one who comforted her when she began to cry.

Adrian's POV

"Mum are you ok? You just tuned out" Harold says shaking her gently. Jake and Cole look at her in concern. She had suddenly just spaced out and it seemed to me that Delia did the same thing.

"I was just talking to Anastasia" she states smiling.

"But she can't..." I start to say.

"She maybe deaf, but she is old enough to speak through a mind link. I connected with her and she heard me just fine in her mind" she explains. "When you two mate and she becomes queen, everyone can communicate with her through the mind link" she states.

"That's great" Jake and Cole say smiling.

"We need to tell my parents this" I tell them. We say goodbye to Delia/Anastasia before leaving the zoo and going home. I pray she will be ok until we get her out of there.


Picture above Harold and picture on the external like of Jake with Cole. Picture of Lord Percy and Lady Amelia:

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