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She found it difficult to believe what Owen had said about Seth being the 'devil'. She thought the guy was probably the nicest person she had met so far, going as far as to calling him her knight in orange jumpsuit in her head and laughing about it afterwards.

However, her cellmate seemed to tremble at just the name of said knight and people did look at Seth with some sort of fear. It could be possible he was dangerous, especially if he was a gang leader but he was very gentle and patient with her. And anyway, Owen was scared of everyone in prison apart from Daisy so she thought he was exaggerating.

They didn't spend much time talking after what Owen said though. She suspected he didn't know what the crime was anyway so she didn't push the topic. Instead, they played with a deck of cards until the bell rung, telling them to go to lunch.

This time, she made sure to not lose sight of him as they walked to the canteen, but her extra caution may not have been necessary. The other prisoners weren't as touchy as they were in the morning. In fact, many made an effort to stay away, although they didn't at all hide the fact they were staring at her.

Daisy mentally thanked Seth in her head, knowing that it was probably his doing. She doubted anybody would want to get punched in the face like Frank did.

As they got their food, the petite girl looked around the room for Seth. Her head would fall in disappointment every time she didn't see his beautiful tattoos somewhere in the room but then look back up a few seconds afterwards in hopes he had arrived.

Eventually, she realised he wasn't coming so she stayed with Owen as they sat on one of the only empty tables. She wondered whether her cellmate had any prison friends but decided to stay quiet. He wasn't brave enough to initiate conversation with another prisoner that wasn't a 4' 11" girl.

"T-this is n-nice." She commented quietly in hopes to start a conversation. Daisy picked at her rice and beans. Nothing had any flavour but she was a little excited to try out the cake. Cake was her favourite and it was obvious from how often she'd bake when she was at home.

"Nothing about this is nice." Owen grumbled back just as quiet. He, however, wasn't picking at his food. Must be used to it.

"At least we get cake." This was better than no food and she knew what a day without food was like. Every so often, her mother would prohibit her from eating for a day if she thought Daisy was looking slightly chubbier than usual. Sometimes it would be two consecutive days if her sister convinced her mother. Luckily, some of the staff would sneak her some bread so she wasn't left in pain.

Owen scoffed and shook his head. "Go on. Try the cake then."

She was about to say no because she hadn't finished her rice yet but just thought, why not be wild. Mother isn't here. But as soon as Daisy's tongue made contact with the sponge cake, her face scrunched up and she spat the disgusting thing out.

"Ew. What is it?" She asked, rubbing her tongue with the back of her sleeve to get all the flavour off.

"Cake. Well, prison cake. The cooks here aren't good at dessert and more often than not, will turn, what could've been a decent cake, in to shit. I think they must've used salt or something." He said.

Daisy knew what cake tasted like and that wasn't it. "It's terrible."

"Hello chaps!"

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