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1) Do your parents force you to wear it?

Everyone assumes that the men in our lives forced the Niqab/Hijab on us.
Nothing in our lives is forced on us; we work if we want too, we study if we want too, we choose who we want to get married too, we wear what we want too. No one can force us. It's just the matter of choice.

2) Do your parents allow you to use internet?

We even had people asking us if we were using the internet without our fathers knowing! Seriously, people!

If we were not allowed to use technology, then you wouldn't have all these Niqabi/Hijabi blogs and social sites accounts, right?

Honestly, my mother has a hard time praying me away from the computer most of time.

3) Niqabis are restricted, oppressed and are not premitted to have fun.

We do have fun, LOTS of fun! The only thing is we have fun with only those who are close us instead of random people... Our Niqab is and never will be a barrier for us having fun!

4) Do you wear this all the time?

Some also assume that Niqabis have the Niqab on all round the clock too. We wear the Niqab only when we're out of our homes or in the presence of any men other than our immediate family.

5) Niqabis cannot do any sin/mistake

No really, we do get this question a lot. Besides being a major face-palm moment.

Just because we wear Niqab and try to spread some islamic postive vibes don't assume we are sort of angel and saint. Fam, We are human too. We are prone to sin.

Wearing niqab and praying five times daily doesn't makes anyone religious/pious. So don't assume anything about anyone. We're normal human just like you.

6) So you’re saying that anyone who doesn’t cover themselves is wrong?

As I said, covering your face is a choice. Covering your hair with a scarf is a choice. Eating halal is a choice. Being a Muslim is a choice.

We, as imperfect humans, have no right to say who is right or wrong. A woman who covers her face may end up in hell because she’s a murderer. A woman who wears barely any clothes may go to heaven because she has the kindest heart.

Who am I to go around telling people they are right or wrong?

How easy would it be to live in a world where people didn’t automatically jump to conclusions, judge and backchat about others? Sigh!

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