The Woes of Bespectacled Niqabi

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The Misting

I know, 'The Misting' sounds so mysterious but here's the issue. When wearing the spectacles over the Niqab; when I breathe heavily, it starts misting all over my glasses. So I try to wipe my glasses from the front and then slither my fingers under my spectacles, careful not to pull or push my Niqab, and by the time my fingers actually make it this far, voila! the mist would already have disappeared. 

Niqab over the specs or vice versa?

I wear my spectacles first and then tie my Niqab over that. It's far easier than what my sister does. She gets all ready, waiting for the vehicle to come and when it finally does and all of us have gone past the door, she frantically starts searching for her Niqab (much to the annoyance of my brother) and then haphazardly pushes her spectacles through the tiny slit of her Niqab. The final effect? A lop sided Niqab and an equally lop sided pair of glasses.

So take my advice here. Always, always wear your Niqab over your spectacles. And make sure your Niqab has a wide slit so it wouldn't be too tight. Then, position your Niqab correctly and tie it. That's it. The Niqab tutorial!!!

It's actually really easy and honestly, I'm kind of glad to be wearing it with my Niqab because, ummmm, it's swag yo.... :D


I think that's all the woes I can really think of. Any bespectacled Niqabis out there, can you think of any more?

And if there are any bespectacled Niqabis who find it annoying to wear specs with the Niqab, just want to tell you that if it's difficult, Allah knows what you're going through. If He forgives our sins for a small thorn prick, do you think He is not going to reward you for your difficulty, even if it's a small one. So this small deal can actually be a big deal for us on the Day of Judgement In Shaa Allah when we see the rewards for it :)

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