20. Peek into his wife's past

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Arnav Pov

"What will you do if he's not siddharth? Will you start afresh with me? Or Mourning over your lover's death for whole life?" As soon as I asked this her eyeballs raised in shock. Her horrified state was clearly written on her face.

"I asked you arnav. What will you do if I want to go back? Don't turn the question towards me" I can realise she's trying hard to dodge the topic as her eyeballs swinging left and right in nervousness.

"Don't you think we're arguing unnecessarily wasting our time when siddharth existence is still a question?" Her answer itself shows how unsure she was. It all must be hard for her. Tying in a unwanted marriage, a lost lover in heart, a living husband expecting her care and love and at last query about her ex-lover existence after seeing him and now the fight, what else she can do. She can't decide anything now, it must be hard for anyone in her place even if it was me.

So I let down the matter for time being giving her time to think and warned her simultaneously. She should not be trusted. If I act liberally, she'll again start her ignorance. I couldn't afford to bear another round of arrogance from her.

Promising her to find about siddharth, I called aman to find details about siddharth. He promised to submit the report in two days.

"Dad..You guys came soon. Didn't you enjoy the party" I questioned noticing all of them coming inside.

"When out bahu is unwell, how can you expect us to enjoy the party" Mom said dramatically earning a chuckle from almost everyone.

"She's resting" I said commonly for everyone to know.

"Ok, let's not disturb her then. Take seat shashiji, garimaji" Mom escorted them to the sofa and engrossed in some random thoughts while I marched upstairs.

I did not intend to hear sister's talk but it fell on my ears accidentally. I took steps to move away from there giving them privacy but the name siddharth stopped me.

Does meera know about siddharth? How much did she know?

I think I can get answers to my questions. A selfish part of mine perked my ears to hear much to the dismay of brain's warning. With bated breath, I perked my ears more and hide near the door making sure I was not noticeable by others.

Khushi is firm in her love for siddharth while meera claims that to be as infatuation. My heart did a happy dance in victory. If it was infatuation then half of my task will be reduced.

But what if it was true love? Whatever khushi decides I'll respect her wish if it was in the right path and if it gives happiness.

Further hearing them I was more confused on meera talks. Seems like meera knows khushi more than khushi herself. How she's sure of siddharth death? Meera knows something about siddharth.

Couldn't help but smile when I heard how meera describes khushi blushes on every occasion. Some of them are new for me too, I too failed to notice khushi's reactions sometimes. Meera is indeed correct, more than us others notice our each and every expression. I wonder how meera is so matured than khushi? Meera should rub some of her maturity on her sister too.

At the end, I dedicated that siddharth is not going to come back according to meera.

"Meera..." I stopped her as soon as she was out of the room.

"Haan jiju...You heard it" I was astounded at her ability.

"Not here, come" I escorted her to study room and made sure to lock it before starting the conversation. Lest, everyone was aware of my marital issues.

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