02:00- Make A Wish

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Created By; Snow Marisvega

Chapter Two


"And the Prince took Cinderella back to his castle and they lived happily ever after, the end." Calla read softly and closed the book in her hands. She looked down at her son who was all tucked in, he had a look on his face that indicated he was thinking about something.

"Okay now, spill it out." Calla laughed, knowing her son. Calla was a very beautiful woman, she was tall and slender and had long, blonde, curly hair that got down to her waist. Her eyes were brown like her son's and she had the most beautiful smile.

Calla laid beside her son and looked at him, ready to listen.

"How is it that no one in the entire kingdom could fit the shoe? Like is Cinderella's leg a size impossible?" Elvis asked, looking confused.

Calla laughed sweetly. "Well you see, a fairy godmother made that slipper so technically, it is magic. Which means, not everyone would be able to fit in it, you know why?"

"Because she made the shoes for a specific person?" He questioned, his brows knitted.

"Exactly." Calla nodded.  "We didn't name you Elvis for nothing."

"What does Elvis mean, mama? My name." The boy questioned, turning to look at his mother.

Calla turned as well to face him and ran her hand through his hair gently. "It means all-wise, and that explains you being super smart for your age."

Elvis giggled excitedly. "And what about you, what does your name mean?"

"Well, Calla means beauty."

Elvis smiled at his mother, her eyes filled with love for her child and her smile so warm. He studied his mother's features for a while. Her beautiful eyes, her long brunette hair and her night dress that served angelic.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Calla asked in a small voice.

"Nothing." Elvis shook his head. "I am just looking at how your name fits you, mama. I have the most beautiful mother in the world."

Calla chuckled and pulled her song closer to her, she placed a gentle kiss on his head. "I love you, my baby."

"I love you too, mama." Elvis responded, his arms wrapped around his mother. "Also, when are you having another ball?"

Calla laughed. "Soon, baby. Our annual ball isn't until next month."

Calla was known for throwing a fancy annual ball that people loved to attend and it was there they would all listen to her sing. She loved music, she loved to sing, but she never pursued that to make money from it, she felt the hunger and soul for it would die if it got attached to money.

"Now, you sleep."

Elvis looked up at her. "Only if you sing me a song."  He smiled cheekily.

Calla sighed. "Elvis."

"Please, mama." He said, giving her the best puppy eyes he could make. "Jut one."

Calla gave in and nodded. "Okay, but just a verse."

"Okay!" Elvis grinned excitedly. "Sing our favourite song!"

Calla laughed. It was a song she would always hum or sing and slowly it became Elvis's favourite song, a song from one of the Disney classics.

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