07:00 - Tales Of The Heart

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Created By; Snow Marisvega

Chapter seven

16 months ago.

"A latte for Elvis Giroud," the waiter called out from behind the counter. I rose from my seat and rushed over to claim my drink, a small smile playing across my lips. I was at a small cafe, enjoying a quiet Saturday night away from the chaos of my stepmother and her children. It was 7pm and yet the cafe was bustling, full of people ordering drinks and chatting, but I chose to sit in a corner by myself, away from the crowds. I found comfort in the solitude, but I couldn't help but feel a twinge of loneliness.

"I'm here."

He handed it to me with a smile. "Here you go."

"Thanks," I said as I took the latte from the waiter. As I reached for my phone, it began to vibrate. "Hello?" I answered, placing the phone to my ear. I heard a familiar voice on the other end of the line, and I stepped out of the cafe, not wanting to disturb the other customers. "Hey, Satan."

"Elvis, I need you in my house like now." Alex said.

"Why, what's wrong?"

"I got the movie sound of music!" She squealed.

"Oh okay, I'm on my way. Do not fucking start without me."

"I won't, if you hurry up."

Sound of music was a movie we had been reminiscing on two days ago and talked about how sweet and cute the movie was and now she had it. Of course I was going to head over to watch it.

"Alright then, bye." I said and hung up.

As I turned a corner, I heard a voice behind me. "Hey, kid!" The voice was older, maybe in his 40s, and it was insistent, a bit demanding. I kept walking, ignoring the calls, but he only grew louder. I picked up my pace, but he did the same, and soon, he was close enough to grab my arm. I whirled around, my heart pounding. "What do you want?" I demanded.

As the man held me, I felt a shiver of fear run through me. Something about him was off, dangerous. He was like a predator, sizing me up as his prey.

"Didn't you hear me calling."

"No." I sharply responded.

The man looked me up and down, a grin spreading across his face. "You know you look familiar, kid," he said. "Do we know each other?" I shook my head, my heart racing.

"No. We don't. Now, if you would excuse me, I have to go." I said. I tried to leave but he pulled me closer and I let out a shaky breath.

He leaned in closer, his breath smelling of stale cigarettes and alcohol. "Are you sure we haven't met? Fucked or something?" he asked, his voice low.

I swallowed hard, my throat dry. "Sir, I am sixteen. I haven't met you, so please let me go." I said, trying not to show weakness. He said nothing.

"Let me go." I repeated. But he only grinned wider, a wolfish expression that made my blood run cold. "Well now since you don't know me, maybe we can make our own memories."

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