Chapter Eleven

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I was transported to the dark place once again.

“Back so soon, Aimee? This isn’t your time, either.” Mom chuckled.

“I know. Will I keep healing?”


“Why can’t I do it when I’m conscious?”

“You can. Ask your father to teach you. You can do so much more than you think you’re capable of.”

“I’m glad you think so. So, why can’t I see you?”

“Because we don’t have bodies here, meaning, no eyes.”

“How can I hear you then?”

“It’s all in our minds.”

“Why didn’t you make it out of that fire?”

“It was my time.”

“Don’t say that. You were supposed to watch me grow up, get married, have children so you could be a grandma. It was always just us.”

“Aimee, did you honestly think your life was going to turn out like that? God has had much bigger plans for you, my darling.”

“Yes.” I grumbled.

“I have watched you grow up, even though I’m not physically there. You’re such a beautiful young woman now with so much to learn.”

“But I’ve already learned so much from Father’s memories.”

“Life is full of surprises; just wait and see.”

“No, thank you. Surprises usually aren’t good for me.”

“Enough chatting. It’s time for you to go back. And also, be more careful. I don’t want to see you here anymore.”

“Trouble finds me wherever I go. Goodbye.” I waited to go back. Time seemed to pass by incredibly slow.

I thought Mom had left and I was alone, but finally she said, “Well, what are you waiting for? Go!”

“I don’t know how.”

“Just wake up.” Her words echoed and melted together.

* * *

I opened my eyes into a startling bright light, quickly snapping them shut. I tried to cover my face with my right hand but it wouldn’t move. I tried the other hand, nothing. Both of my wrists were tied down. I felt metal straps anchoring my wrists, biceps, thighs, and ankles to a cold, hard table. A strap even ran across my forehead, pinning me down.

I flexed my arms and pulled, the metal groaned but didn’t give way. The edges of the cuffs sliced into my skin. I was also plugged into machines; they beeped every so often and made whirring noises.

Where am I? How much time has passed?

I opened my eyes slowly, letting them adjust to the light. I was in a white room; white walls, white ceiling. Different kinds of machines lined the walls. I shivered. It was so cold in here. I wiggled my numb toes and fingers. I tried to break my bondings again. No luck.

I relaxed and thought of what Mom said. Father could teach me how to heal myself, but he wasn’t here and blood was now dripping freely from my wrists. His memories had always hit me at random times, usually during my sleep. I had never tried to find them myself, I never wanted to. There’s a first time for everything, right?

I dove into my own memories and then switched to his.

Falling from Heaven was a long ways down. I--He--fell, air making his eyes burn and ripping away his wings. He couldn’t fly anymore.

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