Chapter Sixteen

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My days started to turn into a schedule. Wake up, breakfast, shower, swim, lunch, exciting activity with Lucien, dinner, book and a movie, clean, and go to sleep. So far, I had learned how to surf, went sky diving, parasailing, drag racing, hiking in the Alps, and cave diving in a South American jungle. Even though I hated Lucien, he was growing on me. I was isolated and I craved attention. He wasn’t the same as he was the first day. He didn’t make sexual innuendos or try to take advantage of me. He was polite.

Lucien would always make comments about my eyes. He would tell me what color they were, as if I didn’t already know. He soon caught on to the fact that certain colors meant certain moods.

I started trying to keep track of the days by the outings with Lucien, but time slipped through my grasp like sand from fingers.

One day, Lucien surprised me with a puppy, as if he knew I was getting lonely. I named the puppy Venus because it was a girl and I had never had a pet before so I was horrible with picking names. Venus appeared to be a Siberian Husky. She followed me around everywhere; I took her swimming, she slept in my bed, and she even tagged along on my adventures with Lucien.

I loved Venus.

Lucien was also starting to show up early and go swimming with Venus and I. Then, he started staying later, too.

Venus sat on my lap while Lucien and I watched a horror film. I absently petted her and answered Lucien’s random questions.

“Why doesn’t this scare you?”

“The movie?” I asked, not sure if he was talking about being here or not.

“Yes, of course.”

“Because I’ve seen so much, caused so much myself. It looks so fake.”

“Same. How do you cope? I mean… You are half-human, so how do you do it?”

“I don’t, not really. I don’t think about it. I tend to run away from my problems, to be honest.”

“What’s your favorite color?”

“That’s a random question, but I don’t have one.”

“Just trying to get to know you. That’s what humans do.”

“Usually they try to incorporate it into a conversation somehow.” I snorted.

“I didn’t think I struck you as the type of person who messed around with small talk.”

“That’s true. You’re terribly blunt, especially when I met you.”

He laughed. “That didn’t seem to catch on with you very well so I thought to tone it down.”

“A valid point, but I do like a man who does take control sometimes.” I purred, and it surprised me. Why was I flirting with him?

He smiled and sat forward. I thought he was going to rip my clothes off, but instead he changed the topic. I wasn’t sure if I was relieved or disappointed. “I’ll make you dinner tomorrow, so what would you like?”

“Surprise me. I’m adventurous.” I chuckled.

“Oh, I’m aware.”

We continued to watch the movie but I whispered to him, “Lucien, can you get me a blanket? I don’t want to disturb Venus.”

He got up and quick came back with one. “Why do you need a blanket? You can’t be cold. If mean, if you are, I can always make it warmer here.”

“No, I’m fine. I just like blankets and the feeling of being covered up.” I unfolded it and threw over my legs, carefully moving Venus’s head to the top of it. “Now be quiet, I’m trying to watch this.”

The Damned Holies (The Fallen Wars 1)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن