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Fan Cover by @fat_cheeks

Julie's pov:




A little....


I scream over and over in my head.

I don't like Ashton, right?

Maybe a tiny bit?

No, I can't think that way.. we are just friends...

I lay on my bed while I hear my parents cleaning up in the kitchen.

My mom's words keep re-playing in my head over and over.

'Do you Ashton?'

'No!!' I said frantically.

But was I telling the truth?

I don't know.

I look over to my books on my dresser. Most of them were romance.

I always loved how the girl and the boy most of the time ended up together at the end.

We don't speak of The Fault in our Stars.

I couldn't leave my room for a week after I read that.

But do I like- like Ashton?

Like romantic feelings?

I mean, if I did, anyhow, it would probably be just a silly crush.

But I never had a crush on someone before!!

I mean, maybe once or twice on actors who I would never have an actual chance to be with...

But that's a different story.

Plus, let's be real, I haven't even known Ashton for that long.

How can I have romantic feelings for someone I barely know?

I just hate the thought of me being one of those girls who swoon over a guy.

I mean, even if did have the tiniest crush on him, it wouldn't change anything right?

It's not like I'm going to stalk him to death and beat off any girl who tries to talk to him.

And even if I did, what would I beat them off with, my flip flop?

'Stay back!!! For I will draw my mighty flip flop on you!!'



That would be pretty cool.

Maybe I could even get a horse and-...

Okay now I'm just getting really off topic.

Suddenly, a sound like a pebble hits off my window.

I don't even have to look to know who it is.

I stand up and look out my window to see Ashton grinning on the other side.

He then holds up his finger as a 'hold on' and he runs somewhere in his room.

At first, I thought he just abandoned me because he didn't return back for a while, but when he finally did, he had a paper in his hand.

'Open your window and stand back.' It read scribbled in red marker.

Was he going to throw something into my room?

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