Was He Flirting With Me

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Julie's pov:

Coming to school the next day was definitely not the... brightest idea I ever came up with.

I actually wanted to skip school.

But I knew that I would never actually do that potentially risking a chance for my grades to drop even the slightest bit.

Why didn't I want to come?

Well.. after Ashton left to go 'blow off some steam' last night, I decided that I should visit the world of social media.

What was the worst that could happen?

Biggest... mistake... ever...

When I searched up the school on twitter, all I could see were tweets from students.

And there were a lot of tweets.

Seniors in our grade to even some sixth graders!!!

And what did they have in common?






There was even one tweet that said Zander and Luke had a full out fist fight in the boys lockers room.

I don't know who came up with that but by the look of all the likes it got, people bought it.

For the first part of the school day, it wasn't actually that bad.

I mean, there were people talking about it, but I expected that to happen.

When I was heading to my third class of the day, I passed Zander and Jake in the hallway to see that they were laughing about something.

When they saw me they nodded their heads at me and I just smiled at them.

I don't know why they were so happy, but if they are happy, then I'm happy.

But it was kinda strange in a way.

Yesterday it looked like they were going to stab someone any minute, but now they look like they just visited unicorn land with glitters and rainbows.

Okay maybe I am a little over exaggerating.

But you get my point.

Now, fast forward two hours and here I am just two more classes away until lunch.

Our schedules are kinda weird though, we have a couple of our classes, a break where everyone can sign up to go to a class or room and do homework or hang with friends, then one more class and finally lunch.

I decided that I would just go to the library because I actually haven't had the chance to go there yet and check it out.

It actually wasn't that hard to find because it was in the direct center of the school, and I always passed it so I didn't have to ask for directions or anything.

When I got there, I quickly made my way to the bookshelves and started looking around.

I was surprised how many books there actually were.

I was so into looking around that I completely didn't notice somebody's presence was behind me until I heard a throat clear.

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