"Do you want some muffins...?"

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Two days after Fabian apologized, he came by to the store. I was on my break, at the counter and I was reading a historical fiction.

"Denise," was all he said for my head to snap up so fast, I almost got whiplash.

I started smiling but I didn't want to look too eager so I wiped the smile off my face.

"Hey Fabian..." I said, trailing out. I honestly was at a loss for what to say.

"Are you on your break right now? Can we talk?" As soon as he asked, my heart went into overdrive. Was he going to tell me it was better for us to reject each other once again? Why did he look so serious?

"Don't worry, it's nothing bad," he reassured with a smile. I assume he saw the panicked expression on my face.

I liked to think I had an expressionless face but I've been told that all my emotions could be read in my face.

"Okay sure," I replied and stood. "Ingrid, please can you take over the counter." She called her affirmation and I smiled. I was so lucky to have her.

I knew sooner more than later,I was going to have to hire other employees and I was not happy about that. Sure, I was glad that business had been good lately, but I was not happy about having to get used to a whole bunch of people once again.

As soon as Fabian and I stepped out, I was hit with the cold breeze. Sure it was summer, but the weather was increasingly weird these days. It could be sunny as everything outside, but still cold.

I shivered and wrapped my arms around my middle. Fabian looked at me curiously but did not comment on the action.

"So, you've brought me out here, what did you want us to talk about?" I asked, turning to face him.

"I was just.. you know we've met three times but we don't know each other. I know we're mates. But we know nothing of each other. So I was wondering if you wanted to go out on a date sometime?" He asked, seeming nervous. His hands were in the pockets of his jacket and his long hair was tied into a bun.

I blushed a little as I imagined us going out on a date. It was going to be completely different from what I had been used to so far. There was going to be nobody throwing us disgusted looks or accidentally pouring drinks on me.

"Yes. I'd like that" I replied. I didn't want Fabian to think I was too eager. I still did not trust his intentions. He was clearly not the type of person to stick to a decision once he took it. And I didn't want to develop feelings and get hurt like I had gotten in my previous relationships.

He smiled after I agreed. His smile was beautiful. It made him seem more boyish, more approachable. He was handsome but his smile opened him up.

"Can I have your number then?" He asked, and I nodded, then rattled it off to him as soon as he got his phone out.

"I sent you a text. You'll know it's me" he said with a wink. I blushed and shook my head with a little smile.

"Soo, is that all you had to ask?" I asked awkwardly. I wasn't used to this type of awkwardness. It had never been awkward with Ethan or Cory.

"Yeah" he said hesitantly. "So, I guess I'll get going"

I stood at a loss for what to say. I didn't know how to act around him. It was weird.

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