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A few hours after my meltdown, I called Ingrid. I was still feeling absolutely guilty about the way I had treated her when she had clearly been trying to help me.

She agreed to come over and I was waiting with undisguised impatience. I wanted to first of all apologise for snapping at her and I was going to explain everything to her.

Soon enough, the doorbell rang. I rushed to open it and practically pulled her into the house.

"Hey hey hey. Calm down. What's wrong? Why did you tell me to come over?" she asked.

"Ingrid, I- I'm so so sorry for yesterday. I just wasn't thinking straight. I had so much on my mind and I'm so sorry for taking out my frustration and snapping at you. I love you so much. I hope you know that." After saying that, I took in a deep breath and hoped she forgave me.

"Muffin, have you ever had a friend?" She laughed, making me feel embarrassed.

I had never had even a single friend except for my dad and it was normal that I didn't know how to act around them.

"I- no," I said with a sad smile. I did not want her to pity me. I was just keen on telling the truth.

"Aw, Denise. I was just teasing," she said then pulled me in for a hug. "I just- look, between friends, arguments happen, okay? You're not always ready to talk about something and I guess I was pushing hard yesterday. So I'm sorry too"

I smiled wide. "Thank you Ingrid"

"So, I know you have something to tell me. It's written all over your face. Spill the tea sis," she said and I grimaced a little bit. Was I that obvious?

I opened my mouth then shut it again with a frown. I didn't know how exactly to put it and knowing Ingrid, she was going to have a huge reaction.

"Hey talk! I'm salivating? Is it about the hunk we still don't trust?? Tell me!!" she exclaimed and I smiled a bit. She was like a toddler on sugar sometimes. Or an overexcited puppy. Or a cat on steroids. Okay, enough comparisons.

"You remember Cory?" I asked, not wanting to just drive into the subject.

"Of course I remember Cory. He's your asshole ex right?"

I nodded vigorously then continued. "Well, he called me"

"What? What did he want?" she asked with wise eyes.

"Well, he texted first, then called. Not that that detail is important"

"What did he tell you? That he wants you back? He was wrong?" She joked and I blushed profusely.

"Well actually.. he did" I hesitated a bit before saying that because I was scared of her reaction. She picked on that quickly and narrowed her eyes at me.

"Why are you so hesitant? Did you do something you don't want me to know about? Oh my God, did you agree to meet up with him??"


Ingrid looked at me with her mouth open for a few seconds then said, "Show me the texts"

I handed her my phone and sat in painful silence waiting for her to give her opinion.

Ingrid looked up at me after what seemed like hours and asked, "You believed this shit?"

"I.. no. I just– he called and he sounded really desperate– I couldn't say no, Ingrid!" I explained and her gaze softened.

"You're too soft. Dammit. Have you already agreed on where to meet? And does Fabian know about this?" she asked and I swallowed.

"Not yet. I haven't even told him about him being my second chance mate and all. I'm scared he's going to take it badly."

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