Chapter 5

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After school I decide to hit the gym instead of going home. I'm living the thug life today. Nah not really I just want to go annoy my brother. He's straight so he didn't get disowned by our parents. What really matters though is that he works at the gym and that we get along great so he lets me use the gym for free when he's there. He always makes me pledge that I won't bother the people he's training though, and so for I'm been able to hold up my end of the deal.

"Yo Jason where you at!" I scream obnoxiously loud upon entering. My brother's head pops out of his office and he grins. "Hey little bro, good to see you. How's it going?" We high five, but our hands stay interlocked. Then we push our elbows together, let go of each other's hand and spin our upper arms downwards so our hands meet again. We finish it of with a finger snap and dab. Yep, we have that cringy brotherly handshake thing going on.

"I'm here to steal your gym again, that okay?" I ask. Jason nods and goes back inside his office. "Sure! Just don't break any bones cause I'll be held responsible."

I feel the love.

I skip over to the room I always claim, it's normally used for ballet I think but I use it for whatever the hell I feel like doing. Today I decide to heed my brother's warning though so I drag a few of those thin mats from another room all the way over there. The next hour is spent tricking, with music in the background of course. Eventually I find myself dancing. I think I even twerked at some point.

Eventually I turn off the music and drag the mats back to where I found them. On my way out I slowly moonwalk past Jason's office room thing with the most blank face I can muster. The choked laugh I can hear after that tells me he saw it.

The first thing I do when I get home is shower. I never use showers in public places because if there's one thing that Ethan has taught me, it's that hidden cameras hoping to catch sight of a dick are everywhere. I even do my best to avoid using public restrooms. Of course I didn't forget to give aunt Cynthia, and possibly all of our neighbours, another free concert. This time I decided to sing some Green Day.

Throughout the rest of the evening I just play guitar in my room. It's kind of weird how I can remember so much lyrics and so many chords. It certainly comes more naturally than studying.

My stomach growls and I look down at it. Did I forget to eat diner or something? Oh crap I forgot to eat diner. I instantly put aside my baby, roll off my bed, get on my feet, ignore the fact that I'm shirtless and sprint towards the fridge.

"Forgot to eat diner?" Cynthia asks, an amused smirk tugging at her lips. I grimace as my stomach growls again. I hate it when my stomach growls. "Yes." I groan out. She laughs and opens the fridge, then hands me a plate with some chicken, small carrots and mashed potatoes. "I would tell you it can take a while to warm up again but knowing you-" I set the plate down on the counter kind of aggressively, take a fork and attack the food. "-you'll probably just scarf it down cold." Cynthia finishes her sentence. I smile at her while I happily chew on my chicken.

After that little scene I head back to my room. I fold my arms behind my head and stare at the ceiling. My toes are wriggling along to an imaginative beat. My eyes find the weird dirt spot that's somewhat shaped like a bunny again. I sigh.

My mind wanders back to the guy that walked in on Ethan and I kissing in the auditorium. His shiny, dark gray eyes are sort of haunting me. Maybe accidentally finding out there are some other gay guys walking around our school helped him? I don't know. And I shouldn't care but I do.

The gray eyes turn into a clear, blue gaze. Laurence his gaze. They have the same brown hair and facial structure, so they're probably brothers. Twin brothers. I close my eyes and sigh. I should really give up on my crush, shouldn't I.

His face pops up in my mind. No, not just his face, his entire being. I imagine him actually noticing me and smirking as he catches me staring. I imagine us sneaking into an empty classroom for a heated makeout session. His hands are all over me. My hand slips into my boxers and starts working me. We interrupt our lust filled kisses to collect our breath. My hand increases speed. His lips our wet, red and kind of swollen. His brown hair is a mess. He brushes his hands over my thighs. I'm getting closer. He opens his eyes. They're gray. My eyes fly open. A sticky liquid covers my my hand as I watch my bedroom ceiling. I guess all it really takes to get over a crush is for some other guy to come around.

The next day Ethan and I head to school on his motorcycle as usual. But something goes wrong. I had my eyes closed because I hadn't slept very well so I didn't see a thing. But I didn't hear the car honking. Then I blacked out.

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