Chapter 9

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"Hi." I blurt awkwardly. Olivier's eyes land on me seem to brighten instantly. He smiles shyly. "Come in." he says and steps aside. I do as he says. The vague French accent that still lingers on his words is adorable.

I glare at the stairs in the hallway and he throws me a questioning glance. "I don't like stairs." I grimace. Olivier's eyes light up in amusement and he tries to bite back a smile. "May I ask why?" he informs. I sigh and scratch the back of my neck. Then I tell him the story of my clean freak birth givers and how I had to go up and down the stairs all day with a broken foot because I had way more trouble with keeping my focus on one thing for long time as a kid than I do now. When I finally finish he just laughs. "We'll stay in the living room then." he says and I cheer.

"So how much did Lucas tell you exactly?" he questions when we're settled on the may I say most comfortable couch I have ever gotten to plant my ass down on. Seriously, my ass feels blessed. I think back to the awkward conversation on the bus.

"He pretty much just suggested we should hook up because we're both gay and lonely. He made it sound more fancy and elegant though. He was all 'affection and love is the strongest drug'. Why? You kind of insinuated there's a secret to it."

Olivier blushes and shakes his head. "No. Well... Kind of. I just, well..." he sputters out. I frown when he falls silent. "That is a very coherent sentence. Real Pulitzer material." I say. He laughs. "Sorry, I'll try again."

He clears his throat and straightens his back at me. Then he aims his green eyes right at me. I feel like he's trying to pierce my soul. "I have a crush on you." he says and immediately goes completely red again. I blink owlishly at him a few times. Then I just go "Oh." What am I supposed to say to this? 'You have a very shitty taste in guys Olivier, I'm disappointed'. Or maybe 'Let's go get your eyes checked out'.

"If that's true Lucas is being a really shitty friend to you by making me think you just wanted a one night stand." I say instead with a chuckle. Olivier slumps down and groans. "I know." he sighs. "He is secretly the spawn of Satan." I think Lucas and I may be best friends in the making, I'm pretty evil myself you know. Wow, now I feel like crap for thinking I could just move on from Ethan.

Olivier's eyes settle on mine again, now they look kind of anxious. "How do you feel about my liking you?" he asks softly with a pout. That is honestly so fucking adorable. Gray eyes flash inside my mind. Almost as adorable as him. No, bad Reiss, you need to focus on Olivier now. This guy is pouring his heart out to you. Why me though?

"Why?" I voice my thoughts. "Why do you like me?"

Olivier narrows his eyes at me. "Are you kidding me?" he asks. "No." I frown. He sighs and leans forward, his elbows resting on his knees. "At first it was just because you are very, very attractive. I have thought that since the first I entered that kitchen classroom. Then you claimed to speak French. I honestly thought you were lying. But then you actually spoke French. I don't know why but I thought was the most amazing thing. Then I heard you singing softly every class. And you're always so happy. You even just dance in public!"

He pauses his little monologue to laugh. I couldn't help but smile too and blush a bit.

"You are always yourself. You are childish and active and sometimes rude and you don't let others affect you... All of that is why I like you."

I really can't do anything but blush, smile and fidget. A chuckle pushes itself past my lips. Why do his words make me so happy. The sight of his green eyes sparkling with happiness etches itself in my mind. It's really quite the beautiful sight and I want to remember it.

Olivier scoots closer to me and rests his hand on my cheek. We both can't seem to stop smiling. "Do you like me too?" he asks quietly. He's so close. I can feel my skin tingle. "I don't know. But there's definitely something going on inside my chest." I respond in a whisper. He leans in even closer and his smile widens. "I will make you like me just as much as I like you. I will woo you with dates, presents and attention. But I don't want to be your boyfriend until you think I deserve that title." he whispers. His thumb is rubbing slowly up and down on my cheek. "Okay." I whisper back again. Then his lips press against mine. They're soft and gentle. He makes me feel like I'm a valuable piece of art even though a voice inside of my mind screams at me that I don't deserve this amazing kind of treatment.

If Olivier really wants to do this though, who am I to stop him?

I kiss him back slowly and carefully. It's as though we're under a spell and I don't want to accidentally break it. If this is a dream I don't think I'd want to wake up. My hand rests itself on Olivier's thigh and his free hand slowly rubs up my arms. Our breaths mingle together as we break the kiss briefly. I slide my tongue over my lips as he softly pushes me down on my back. Then we continue kissing. His tongue slides into my mouth. A certain body part of mine is most certainly happy. I moan softly and burry my hands in Olivier his dark locks. He's intoxicating. How come I never noticed him? I think that's my number one regret in life right now.

He pulls away, our lips still connected by a thin string of saliva. "You're good at this, how many boyfriends have you had already?" he asks with a playful glint in his eyes. I feel myself blush. "Not a single one actually. Ethan and I sometimes kissed when either of us was running low on self esteem though. It was mostly me doing that." I admit sheepishly. Olivier raises one of his eyebrows. "Ethan?" he asks, his eyes still glinting. "He's... He was my best friend." I explain.

Suddenly realisation dawns on his face. Cynthia probably informed Lucas and him thoroughly of who Ethan was to me when they dropped of their get well presents. I'm pulled out of my reminiscing by Olivier's lips leaving a soft peck on my own. He smiles at me and a nice, warm feeling spreads throughout my chest. We remain silent and just cuddle, until I receive a phone call from a ticked off aunt Cynthia telling me to come home asap.

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