Chapter 12 - Press Conference

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"Miss Danvers?"

Kara looked up at her name, surprised to see Eve Teschmacher standing there with a broad smile on her face.

"Hi," If possible, Eve's smile grew. "Miss Luthor would like to see her in your office, Miss Danvers."

"Eve." Kara sighed as she stood, adjusting her glasses by the outsides of the frames on both sides. "We've worked together for years. My name is Kara. You've always called me Kara. We've talked about this."

"Right, Kara, right." Eve fisted both hands and shook them while she scrunched up her face. "I know that. It's just that with your new status and all—"

"No." Kara shook her head. "Same job. Same status. Nothing has changed, all right?"

"All right...Kara." Eve's shoulders jumped suddenly as she smiled again then turned to walk away.

"Oh, Eve?" When the other woman turned back, Kara asked, "What did Miss Luthor say she wanted with me?"

Eve shrugged. "She didn't say. She had me preparing a memo, and then she just asked that I send you in to see her. Is everything all right?"

"Uhhh...of course." Kara nodded with a false sense of security, head down as she strode forward, pointing at Lena's office. "I'm just going way." When she reached Lena's office, Kara lingered outside the door fidgeting with the sleeves of her sweater for a moment before clearing her throat and when eye contact was made saying, "You wanted to see me, boss?"

"Hmmm. Close the door," Lena said with the slightest nod before returning to her screen.

"O-o-okay," Kara replied, closing the door as she slunk into the office. "What's wrong? Are you mad at me? I mean are you more mad at me? Madder? More mad? Huh. Which is correct?"

Looking up again, Lena asked, "Don't I pay you to write for a living?"

Kara casually slid into the chair across from Lena's desk. "Uh...So, why did you want to see me?"

Eyes narrowing slightly, Lena closed her laptop most of the way so she could give Kara her full attention. "I'm going to send you an email, but I wanted to speak to you about this personally first."

Kara gave Lena one slow nod in response.

"I don't expect you're going to like it."

"Are..." Swallowing hard, Kara said, "Are you breaking up with me over email?"

"Kara, we're not actually dating."

"I know but are you?"

Leaning back in her chair, Lena studied Kara for several moments, expression placid. Finally, with a slight narrowing of the eyes, Lena said, "Kara, tomorrow L-Corp will be making an announcement regarding a new acquisition in quarter one of 2018. Members of the press will be invited to attend this announcement. I'm asking that you cover this for Catco."

Brows furrowed, Kara said, "I can't. I'll be with you."

"That won't be a problem as I'll also be in attendance. As the CEO of L-Corp, it's my responsibility to speak during such a—"

"Wait." Kara held up a single finger. "Are you going to be making a speech?"

"It's just a little announcement, really. You see—"

"When you say an announcement with members of the press invited, do you mean a press conference? Are you holding a press conference tomorrow and making a speech?"

"Well, I..." Lena gave a half-shrug. "That is a term one could use to describe such a—"

"Lena, no."

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