Chapter 18 - A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

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So, before any assassins show up from overseas looking for my head, let's just take a moment here. I know we want to see SuperCorp crash together with big, gay love, but we want them to be completely honest with each other, right? You can't build a strong structure on a weak foundation. SuperCorp deserves the best. They've been led into something with external dishonesty. Let's show they can do better between themselves. The CW has no problem with their couples lying to each other left, right, and sideways. That's not us.


Slowly, Lena woke up. She felt warm and comfortable, vaguely aware of the chirping of birds outside her window. There was something firm yet soft pressed against her torso, under her right arm and leg. A familiar scent like morning flowers, the air after an April shower, perhaps sunshine streaming through a field filled her senses upon each inhalation. A steady 'Thump, Thump, Thump, Thump' followed by a calming 'Woosh' threatened to lull her back to sleep. Snuggling into the cozy presence that drew her in, she hummed slightly, "Mmmmm," and pulled that warmth a bit closer as she prepared to surrender to sleep yet again.

"Are you awake?"

Body jerking wide awake, Lena's mind kicked into overdrive as the events from last night caught up and her eyes flashed open, green eyes wide and seeing startling blue eyes staring back at her from where she lay curled up on Kara's shoulder.


"You are awake." Kara smiled. "I didn't want to wake you, so I just..." Her smile grew a bit.

Shyly, Lena smiled back, unable to move away with Kara's arm curled around her back. "Oh, well, that's very considerate of you, but you could have gotten up. You didn't have to stay in bed because of me."

"Oh, I didn't mind. I'm used to sleeping alone, so this was kind of...nice?" She looked down for a moment then met Lena's gaze again, but her smile never faltered. "So, how did you sleep?"

With a laugh, Lena replied, "Far better than if I'd been on the couch, I'm certain. I'll have to thank Eliza."

"We both will," Kara said with a nod. "I do just barely fit on that thing, and I can't stretch or put my arm above my head or anything. I know I'm a bit of an active sleeper so...Oh! I didn't hit you in the middle of the night or anything, did I?"

"Well, if you did I slept right through it."

"Good, 'cause Alex says I can be a bed hog."

"Alex doesn't appreciate you like I do. You're welcome to hog my bed any day, Miss Danvers."

A silence stretched between them then. So much had changed in the last twenty-four hours. So much more had changed in the last two weeks. Walls had been torn down, built up, and then brick-by-brick disassembled. Now, far more open and less raw, ready and less vulnerable, they were moving together instead of at or away from each other. This shift in dynamics had finally grown comfortable.

"You look beautiful in the morning," Lena said breaking the silence as she used a single finger to adjust a few strands of Kara's hair to frame the blonde's face.

"You look beautiful all the time." Before Lena could disagree, Kara grabbed the other woman's hand, holding it against her own face. "You do. I noticed it the first day we met. I was a bit stunned. You weren't just beautiful, you were so put together, and you blew into that room. Clark and I were there, Superman and Supergirl, yet you had all this power about you. It was a bit intoxicating, and I'd never been drunk before then."

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