Double Up

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Emma's POV

I was pacing the room back and forth and in circles. I turned off the television for the third time, but I didn't want to feel alone. I turned it back on and sat down on the huge bed, feeling drained and scared. 

Ethan had already left for work and I didn't want to get his attention yet, so I didn't call him.

I felt like I was burning up so I undressed and stepped into the shower, turning the water cold until I felt better. 

I toweled off my wet skin and changed into pajamas. I walked to the patio for a breath of fresh air because I felt like I was drowning with sorrow and happiness.

Chef served my breakfast, but I couldn't eat. I couldn't even stand the sight of the meal. I wished I had a dog so I could just toss the food over to it.

Ethan came home at six but headed to the office to complete a task. 

Afterward, he met me upstairs in the bedroom.

"Hey baby, how was your day?" he asked as he entered.


"You don't sound fine, what's going on?" 

He knew me so well.

"Baby, I think that I might be pregnant again," I said, squinting my eyes and dragging out the last two words.

His eyes grew bigger and he ran to me and pulled me into a huge hug. "Are you serious?"

"Yeah. I'm not one hundred percent sure, but that was what the test stated."

I handed him the pregnancy test I had taken that morning. It had showed positive. I made sure I read the directions carefully and waited an extra ten minutes this time.

He pulled me into a kiss. "You just made me the happiest man alive. I'm not going into work tomorrow. I'll book a doctor's appointment."

"What about your doctor?"

"They're on another training course. Have you eaten?"


He glared at me. "Why not?"

"I don't have the appetite to eat anything."

"Emma, baby, you need to eat something."


"Stop. Come here."

I walked over to him like a puppy. 

He pulled me in his strong arms and kissed my forehead. "Baby, I want you to eat something."

"Fine. I'll try."

Ethan had the chef prepared a nutritious meal for me— vegetable soup. I ate in the dinning room; well, I tried to eat but I felt sick. I hated that feeling so much.

"Hey, let's go upstairs," Ethan suggested.

I lie on the bed, reading a book, and soon felt better and relaxed.

The next day Ethan woke me up early. I took a shower and got dressed in comfortable pants and a shirt. I combed my hair and styled it into a high bun. I took my purse and followed Ethan, who was waiting impatiently at the bedroom door.

He drove to a neighborhood clinic. It didn't look like a regular clinic on the outside— if you didn't read the signs one might mistake it for a sort of hotel or something along those lines. It was very fancy.

We walked inside and to a receptionist who ushered us into a private room.

"The doctor will be with you shortly," she said then left. 

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