Chapter One

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A hard fist connected with the side of his face. Stars. Dizzy. Pain. He blinked a few times and shook his head, trying to bring himself back from the daze. He ducked, avoiding a second punch, and grabbed the man by the arm. His tight grip pulled the man's arm closer, he examined the sovereign ring on his finger.

"This better not leave an imprint on my cheek."

"Sherlock, can we get a move on?" Dr John Watson stood in the doorway of the plane. He had finally managed to get it open.

Sherlock glanced at John and then back to the man struggling to get his arm free from his firm grasp. He was pulling and flailing his other fist around like a small child, while Sherlock held him there still, as if he were made of paper.

John carried the case with the ticking bomb down the steps of the plane, followed by Sherlock who was dragging the man behind him. Inspector Lestrade and his team waited on the runway surrounded by flashing lights and sirens. Two police officers took the man from Sherlock. He dusted his coat down and gently fixed his hair before walking past Lestrade to the police car behind him. He leant down to examine his bruised cheek in the wing mirror.

"I won't tell you again," said Lestrade.

"Tell me what?" said Sherlock. "Here, can you see the Queen's face imprinted there on my cheek? Just under my eye?"

Lestrade rolled his eyes and turned his back. "Going off on your own, Sherlock. It needs to stop."

"Then start figuring it out before I do and I won't have to," Sherlock replied as he watched the inspector walk away.


Dr Margaux Cave walked through the hospital corridors with her head buried in her notes. She knew that if she avoided eye contact and hid her face, she would dodge the awkward 'sorry, I'm not that kind of doctor' conversation with passing patients and visitors. She was flicking back and forth between two pages, examining the quick diagram she had sketched earlier, when her forehead collided with Dr Grant's chest.

"I am so sorry," she said as she bent down to pick her notes up from the floor.

He crouched, helping her put her pile back together. "No, I'm sorry, that was my fault."

They stood up together, laughing quietly.

"I didn't realise you were coming into the hospital today, Dr Cave."

"Please, just call me Margaux, being a doctor is important around here. I don't think any of your patients would benefit from my PhD."

Dr Grant laughed. Margaux was almost certain she had used that joke on him before. But he still laughed, every time.

"So you've been down in the labs?" he asked.

"Yeah, I've been running tests on some blood samples." She waved her notes as she spoke. "I was actually on my way to find Molly Hooper, to see if she can spare me a body."

"A body?" Dr Grant's golden skin turned pallid.

"Mhm. Preferably a middle-aged male." She folded her arms as if she were talking about the weather or her favourite tv show. "But honestly, I don't really mind what kind of body it is as long as she lets me dismember it."

Dr Grant rubbed his hand on the back of his neck.

"Sorry, I forget how creepy that must sound to people who aren't in my head." She ran her fingers through her thick, dark, wavy hair.

They stood in silence for a moment, searching for words. Any words.

"So I'm guessing this means you're working on a case?" asked Dr Grant.

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