Chapter Twenty Nine

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Margaux decided to deliver lunch to Molly. She knew her well and was almost certain that if she were too busy to leave the lab, that meant her lunch would consist of a cereal bar and a fizzy drink from the vending machine.

She joined the queue in the hospital cafeteria and took her phone from her pocket as she waited.

'How are my two favourite boys? I am of course referring to Vaughan and John.' She sent her text with a grin.

After a moment, her phone buzzed in her hand.

'Ha. Ha. Ha. Hilarious.' Even his texts dripped with sarcasm. 'John isn't here and I haven't seen Vaughan in a couple of hours. I assume he is fine.'

'Well that's not concerning???'

'What you just said was not a question. Why the question marks?'

She huffed as she read his text, shuffling up the line as she typed her reply. 'Here's a question: Where is my son?'

'Sleeping downstairs.'

She let out a giggle as a mix of realisation and relief washed over her.

'I'll be home soon–' She stopped typing, deleting her words slowly. 'I'll be at your flat soon. Just taking Molly some lunch x' She stepped up to the counter, ordered and paid, before checking her phone again.

'Lunch sounds good. Bring lunch.'

Margaux put her phone away and stood aside as she waited for her order. She glanced up to see a familiar dimpled smile approaching her.


"Doct– Oliver? Hi!"

Oliver Grant hadn't changed at all in the years since she had last seen him, except for the horn-rimmed glasses that now adorned his face. He pushed them up his nose as he spoke.

"How are you?" he asked.

"I- I'm... yeah I'm good. How are you?"

"I'm good too. Wow, I can't believe I've ran into you here. When I stopped seeing you around I assumed you'd moved away or something."

"Oh, no I left the investigative field for a while."

"Ah," he nodded. "So, what do you do now?"

"Erm well..." she cleared her throat. "If I told you I'd have to kill you."

Oliver burst into laughter. Margaux thought about when she used the same joke on Sherlock at dinner; You're terrible at this, he had said, his face cold and stern. But Oliver was warm with genuine amusement, even though her joke really was terrible.

"What about you?" she continued. "I've been visiting the labs for a while and haven't seen you around."

"Yeah I just transferred back last month. I was working over in Essex."

"Oh really? Why Essex?"

"I, er, I moved to be closer to my girlfriend."

"Oh," she nodded as she took her order from the server. "Well," she continued, gesturing to the cartons of hot food in her hands. "I better get this up to Molly. It was nice seeing you, Oliver."

"You too," he smiled. "Actually, Margaux... I just finished for the day. Do you want to go for a coffee? We never did go on that date."

"Oh, I'd love to but I can't, I have to head straight home." She said it again. Home. Why did she keep calling it home?

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