Chapter Twenty

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"Sometimes, the best way to help someone is just to be near them."
― Veronica Roth

Ashley Davis-Harris

There were times I hated my famous and powerful family name more than ever. My lineage sometimes turned into such bothersome like when I first entered into a country club's party and no one wanted to approach me because the Davis' were known to be frosty towards the people beneath their wealthy status.

Then, the second time when I became so frustrated with Mama that I sneaked away only to be stopped by a patrolling guard in fear of my father's wrath. The Davis' were known to be aristocratically conventional as well as having haughty tempers.

However, this time was not the time I hated being a Davis. This time, I actually took pride in being a Davis and a Harris now as I watched the face of this pitiful tramp crumble as I crushed her with the weight of my infamous name.

"Wife?" She gawked and looked at my husband. "You have a wife now? Does she know?"


Who was this tramp talking about now? It must be someone significant because Neil's face paled. I was not the only one who noticed. The tramp, Nicole also noticed because a cunning smile appeared on her face, and she continued. "Oh, this is great. I might not be as close with her as before, but Neil, you and I both know how she is. Don't worry, I won't tell her, but boy, I'd love to see your face when she comes to grill your ass because sooner or later, she will know and she will come to the city."

I noticed the stiffening posture of Neil and I knew, whatever Nicole was spouting, it was distressing Neil which in turn was distressing me further. I knew not why but I wanted to hurl something at her.

"Nicole? You coming or what?" A woman yelled out from behind. "Izzy had enough of skating already. I'm going to drop her first." She was gesturing to a child, and beckoning the uninvited lady before of us. Was she even considered a lady with that behavior of hers?

Nicole was not done with her big speech because she flipped her hair to me and smirked, actually smirked. Ugh, this bothersome woman was testing my violent streak. I only ever hurled things at Neil but that might change today. With a sidelong look at Neil, she stared directly at me.

"If you think I'm a bitch then wait till you meet Kate." She took two steps backward with a mock-fear look. "I will enjoy knowing that you are going to face her and she's going to show you how a Davis is nothing in front of her." Then she turned to Neil and winked. "I guess, this is it then. See you around, Neil, because I know damn well, we are going to meet each other again. You and Ivan might actually get along."

And with her cynical laugh as her parting sound, she went to join a group of women. As soon as she left, I felt a strong hold on my arm as he dragged me back to our seat. "You should learn to listen."

As I watched him settle the bill with the bartender, I gritted out. "Maybe this newfound freedom made me curious."

Kate. Kate. Kate.

Not this Kate again. How was a stranger able to create such turmoil in me? Who was she? How was she related to Neil? Was she an ex-girlfriend or a family? How come I knew nothing about Neil yet I was married to him?

Once he was done, he turned sharply, his eyes hiding his true emotions from me. His face void of betraying what he truly felt. His stare made me edgy and my mouth went dry. His hazel eyes took on an intense look as he sneaked a glance at me licking my lips anxiously when he mocked me with a sneer. "Come on, wife. Time to go home."


There was an eerie silence that was threatening to choke me. I watched Neil, silently moving around the kitchen, heating up the dinner he made for us. This man did not even trust me enough to heat our food. This was ridiculous.

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