Chapter Two: Real Estate

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Chapter Two: Real Estate

I grab my phone where I left it and check the time. 11:30AM.

I call my boss now.


"Hey Karen, it's Gracelyn." I say.

"Oh, hello Gracelyn. Is something wrong?"

"Yeah, actually. My Dad just informed me that I'm moving in two days."

"Moving?" She repeats. "Will you still be in town?"

Hell no I won't be in this fuck shit town.

"No, actually I'm moving out of state." I sigh. "Had I had more notice, I would have given you a proper resignation, but he just told me to start packing a few minutes ago."

"Okay then, so you're quitting?"


"Alright, well on Monday before your leave, drop in and get your check, okay?"

"Alright. Thanks Karen."

"You're welcome."

We get off the phone and I FaceTime Danny even though that lazy oaf is probably still sleeping.

He sleeps enough for the both of us.

I see it say connecting and then his face appears on the screen.

"I'm currently urinating." He informs me.

He looks like he just woke up.

"And also, I'm really pissed off already today and this day is going to suck asshole because the house is silent and I know that means that my parents aren't home, which means they're probably getting food and I don't have a text asking what I want which means they're starving me."

I hear the toilet flush and he sets his phone on the counter. He grabs his toothbrush and wets it.

"I always knew my parents never loved me." He adds. He puts toothpaste on his toothbrush and starts brushing his teeth. "Go ask your Dad where they are." He says, his voice muffled by the brush.

"Your parents are house shopping." I reply.

He finishes brushing his teeth and rinses his mouth, and then he wipes the foam off of his mouth with the back of his hand and wipes the back of his hand on his boxers.

"What do you mean they're house shopping?" He scoffs. "This is a nice house and we have a pool. There's no way they're house shopping."

"Danny, they're looking at a house as a favor for my Dad." I say, bouncing on my the balls of my feet. I prop my phone up on my dresser and wall.

"As a favor to your Dad?" He repeats. "Why would he need them to house shop for him? The fuck?" He rolls his eyes. "Our parents are weird." He says. "What time is it?"

He looks at the time before I can answer. "Fuck man, I work at one. I love the beach store but we're low-staffed and it's really fucking annoying."

"Do you think you could get me a job there?" I wonder.

"I don't know. Probably. Why would I though? What are you going to do? Drive eight hundred miles every day?"

"Yeah." I say, grinning.

"You know what Grace? Just for that, I'm going to talk to my hiring manager about that. I'll lie and say you live in Daytona." He snickers. "When can you start?"

"Uh..." I glance at the calendar on my wall. "Say the twenty seventh. I'll send you my resume."

"I can't believe I'm doing this." He laughs.

"I know." I laugh with him, only I'm laughing because he doesn't realize that his parents are looking at a house as a favor for my Dad so we can move there.

If he's so dense that he can't figure it out, I'm not going to say anything.

"Gracelyn!" Dad hollers from downstairs. "Come here please!"

"I'll be right back." I tell Danny.

"What the hell? Why don't you take me with you? You take me in the bathroom with you to shower."

I ignore him and walk out of the bedroom.

I force myself to act calm as I walk downstairs.

He's holding his car keys in his hand.

"Hey kiddo, I guess Beatrice and Caleb loved the house, so I'm going to run to the store and get some boxes."

"Dad." I say after he finishes his sentence. "Is this really happening?"

I'm so excited but I'm worried it's too good to be true.

"It's happening." He says. "Also, the sooner you're packed, the sooner you see Danny."

The moment he stops speaking, I turn around and sprint up the stairs.

"Gracelyn!" He calls me back.

I run back downstairs.

"Yes?" I ask.

"This is the first time I've seen you happy and excited in a very long time." He tells me. "And that's how I know this is the right decision."

I just smile in response, not knowing what to say.

"Go on and pack." He says.

I go back upstairs and look at my phone just in time to see my best friends bare ass.

"Danny!" I exclaim.

He turns around, his hands covering his man parts.


"What the fuck?!" I laugh gesturing to his body.

"I have to get ready for work." He says.

He uses one of his hands to pull back the shower curtain. "From here on, I'm giving you the silent treatment because I'm mad at you because you don't trust me enough to listen to your conversation with your Dad."

He gets into the shower. I roll my eyes and turn to my bedroom.

I've never moved before. This room was my nursery when I was a baby.

How do you pack up a room?

I decide everything in the closet will be labeled closet and that it goes in my room. I guess I'll do the same with my clothes and everything under my bed and what goes on my bed.

Maybe I should go through my stuff.

So I move my phone so it's propped up on the leg of my bed. I sit in front of it and dig through my closet as my best friend showers.

I make a keep and get rid of pile, thinking solely about white Florida beaches and my Jeep and a boat.

I can't wait to have my actual best friend at school and hang out with him on weekends or weekdays. I can't wait to get a job there and get my Jeep.

I can't wait for my biggest worry to be a sunburn.


I have no clue what to put here but it feels weird if I just leave the chapter without an authors note

Lol whatever

Oh wait.

Yes, I changed the title three times.

Yes, I changed the cover three times.

I wasn't happy with how the story appeared and it took me a long time to decide on a story title and a proper cover, but I did it and it's done. If you hate it, lie. Lmao


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