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Art above drawn by, DeluCat.

1. Clockwork's real name is, Natalie Oulette.

2. Clockwork despises being called Natalie even though that's her real name (it would definitely be a way to rile her up/useful if you wanna pick a fight with her, for whatever reason).

3. Nicknames for her are, Ms. Oulette, Clock, Mary-Sue, Jeff the Killer rip-off, and Clocky.

4. Clockwork is one of the most hated Creepypastas out there due to many grammatical errors, and people consider her story a, "Jeff the Killer rip-off" and a, "Mary-Sue.

5. Her catchphrase is, "Your time is up."

6. Her stuff giraffe toy is named, Jaffy.

7. Even though she was raped and sexually abused (Hello darkness my old friend), she did not become pregnant. This is most likely due to the fact she did not start her menstruation until very late in puberty. Also, she was sexually abused more than once (for about four years) by her brother, Lukas, if you wanted to know who sexually abused her, or if you didn't know that her brother sexually abused her.

8. Her supposed favorite food is spaghetti. (I Eat Pasta For Breakfast 😏, and I don't really know if this is true. It's either she absolutely hates it or adores it and I don't know which one it is...).

9. Clockwork isn't very careful. She's very reckless when it comes to fights and has the balls to fight just about anyone/anything (but can she challenge a bomb? I imagine it would go something like this: "Aye, come 'ere ya little shite. I know you won't blow up at the mere sight of moi. Ohhhh, so now you're tickin', well too bad, 'cause you're about a get a piece of me!" Ah, yes, one of my desperate attempts to be hilarious 😅. Anyways, shall we continue?). Because of this, she gets hurt a lot. She's also very cocky (or shall I say, clocky) sometimes.

10. Before Clockwork was abused, she was a lovely, polite girl.

11. When Clockwork started getting abused, she became an aggressive and stressful girl.

12. Clockwork is heterosexual (she isn't a lesbian you guys...) and has been confirmed by her creator that she and Ticci Toby were dating (that is, until he died...).

13. Clockwork is 5'7 feet tall.

14. Her passion, hobby, and talent is, drawing.

15. She's an insomniac and has a slow metabolism.

16. Clockwork's birthday is on November 6, 1996.

17. Clockwork's zodiac sign is, Scorpio.

18. Clockwork is extremely stubborn and is the most out of all the Creepypastas.

19. She has a brother named, Lukas (that filthy bastard...).

20. It took Slenderman an entire year to find clockwork because she was so good at covering her tracks, which is also why the police never found her.

21. Even though she has a ton of French blood in her veins, she doesn't have an accent (Based on research, her last name originates from France).

22. She loves science and conducting experiments (ooo, mean too Clocky 😤, but how in the world did you think jamming a clock into your eye would be any good?).

23. She sees Jeff as an older brother and a replacement for her (which she despises, as she should) brother that she killed.

24. She is a very curious person and loves to learn/find new things (but you know what they say, curiosity killed the cat). If she were to meet someone new, she would examine them head to toe, as well as poke and prod them in a couple of places. She's also really good at reading people (Clockwork, more like HANDwork... y'know, since she examines them with her hands, especially by poking them... okay, I'll just get on with the rest of the facts...).

25. She never gets any sleep. The only time she ever sleeps is when Ticci Toby's in bed with her (not particularly in a sexual way), or if she gets so tired to the point where she just passes out on the spot (okay, but what happens if she, I don't know, obtains some sort of deadly sickness/disease or something and she just... dies... right there. Would the people she knows be like "yeah, she's just sleeping, she does that sometimes", but nah, she ded).

26. If she cares about someone, or someone gets her to care about them, she would protect them with all her life. She, however, would deny this if someone were to ask her about it. This is because she hates to be seen as someone weak. But, either way, we all know she just a big softy.

27. As of 2018, she is 19 years old.

28. Clockwork hates, no, DESPISES Slender Man. The reason being because he kills children. Clockwork loves children and wants to protect them.

29. Her creator is, Luciiid/Sockbois (Daniel).

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