Suicide Sadie

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Art above drawn by, Kastoway.

1. Her real name is Sadie Marie Benette (original) and, Sadie Seridane (fan-base).

2. Nicknames for her are, Ghost Mom and, Miss Lady-Faggot Sadierena. (I wonder who came up with that).

3. She is 18 years old.

4. She is born on October 21.

5. She is an aging spirit, like BEN.

6. Sadie's catchphrases/quotes are, "I would love to see you struggle....", "I do not have crippling depression you ass!!", and "I think I look.... decent.."

7. Her right eye is normally yellow, but when she gets angry it turns into a dark, vibrant pink.

8. People depict her as having blonde hair and pale skin, but she is actually colourless (black and white, to be exact) and her body is seen as 60% opacity.

9. She used to be in a relationship with Kagekao, but is now canonly dating Roadwalker.

10. Her sexual orientation is bisexual.

11. She is British.

12. She is overly-protective of children and can be highly aggressive if you try to harm children.

13. The fandom has deemed her "Ghost Mom" because of her overprotectiveness towards children.

14. She is mostly reserved, depressed, and mainly emotionless.

15. Sadie's quest and purpose is to protect those who were abused by their parents and family, and of course, killing the abusers.

16. Sadie is uncontrollable when she is angry, and when she is enraged, her hair freely floats and twists.

17. She is created by, pnckes.

Facts to DIE for: CANON CREEPYPASTA FACTSTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang