Chapter 10

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"Do not blackmail me," I warned, attempting to put a stern look on my face as Xander saved my contact into his phone. "I will delete your number straightaway."

"You must think very poorly of me," Xander said and stuffed his phone back into his pocket. "Believe me. I'm not going to contact you unless I need to. The only time we will probably end up exchanging messages is when you ask me to tutor you."

"Is that so?" I asked. "Then we may never even end up exchanging any messages. You must think very highly of me to think I'd initiate the conversation."

"It's your grade, Jasper," Xander pointed out. "I'm well off on my own. You're the one who's not."

I looked down, realizing what he was saying was right, though I didn't want to believe it.

"When's the next exam?" I mumbled, dreading when I'd have to meet up with Xander. He'd probably just look down on me the entire time, wondering how someone could be so clueless when it came to math.

"What'd you say?" Xander asked, taking a step forward and away from his car. "You mumbled."

"When's the next fucking exam?" I groaned.

"Next Friday," Xander answered. "You really should take a look at the syllabus, you know."

"Jeez," I said and brought my hands to my face. "This sucks. This whole situation sucks."

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"Why did I have to fail today's exam? Why did you have to classify as a sophomore? Why did you have to be ranked second and threaten Drey's position? And why do I have to rely on you of all people to help me pass this damned class?" I said, much so out of breath when I finished.

Xander laughed the same deep laugh he always did. "That's life. It'll seem like the entire world is against you sometimes, but you just gotta get through it. You know why?"


"Because one person isn't," Xander finished. "At least one person will never be against you. Isn't that good enough?"

"What are you talking about?" I asked, confused about what he was saying.

"You'll know what I'm talking about someday," Xander replied and lifted one corner of his mouth. "But I really should get going. My da-" he suddenly stopped himself. "My dad needs his medication."

"Oh, so your father is the one who is sick?" I asked as he unlocked his car door.

Xander refused to meet my eyes and placed a hand on the back of his neck. "Sure."

"Sure?" I asked. "It's a yes or no question. He's either the one who's ill or he's not."

"He is," Xander quickly shot. "That's why I'm going to give him his meds."

He turned away from me and slid inside his car, positioning himself behind the wheel. "See you," he said before closing the door and pulling out of the parking lot.

Xander remained a mystery to me. Most of the things he had just said completely baffled me. I didn't understand what he was trying to say. But I decided to push the thoughts of him out of my mind as I walked back to my dorm.

When I got back, not to my surprise, Drey was hovered over his books and flipping through pages upon pages of notes.

"Studying?" I asked and threw my backpack on the ground as I walked over to my bed.

"Is it that obvious?" Drey joked, pushing on his glasses.

"You're going to have to study real hard from now on," I told him.

"Why's that? You know I always take my studies very seriously," Drey replied.

"You're not the only one," I said as Drey lifted his head from his books.

"Huh? What're you talking about?" he asked.

"Apparently, the person ranked second is trying to pass you," I answered.

"Who?" Drey said, slamming his hands on his books. "Who would try to beat me?"

"You wouldn't guess it if your life depended on it," I said, leaning back in my bed.

"Hurry up and tell me, I'm about to pass out," Drey said.

"You'll probably pass out when I tell you," I replied. "I couldn't believe it myself."

"How'd you even find out?" Drey asked.

"He told me," I said.

"He? So it's a guy?" Drey asked. "Don't tell me it's lover boy."

I reached over and threw my pillow at his face again. "You damn idiot."

"Just tell me already!" Drey yelled. "I can't take it."

"Xander Peyton."

Drey just looked down and never ended up passing out, as I thought he would.

"Not fair," was all he said.

"What?" I asked. "What's not fair?"

"Xander Peyton isn't fair," he spit. "How could someone be so incredibly good looking and be so intelligent? It's not fair, Jasp."

"I fail to see where the good looking part comes in," I said and rolled my eyes.

"That's because Hayden is the only one in your eyes right now," Drey said. "But you can't deny that Xander is handsome."

"Whatever," I sighed. So what if Xander was good looking? It had nothing to do with me.

"Though, it seems as if he is only lacking one thing," Drey said as he tapped his chin with his pencil. "It surprises me, really."

"What is it?" I asked and looked over at him. "A good personality?"

"No," Drey answered. "A girlfriend."

I raised my eyebrow at him. "Xander Peyton doesn't have a girlfriend? Am I supposed to care?"

"Or a boyfriend for that matter," Drey added.

I sat up in my bed. "A boyfriend?"

"What?" Drey asked. "You don't know?"

"Don't know what exactly?" I asked.

"I heard he's bi."

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