Chapter 20

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Xander's eyes darted in my direction as his sister walked into the kitchen. Paisley Peyton.

I resisted the urge to say something distasteful to the rotten bitch but knew better than to at that moment. Hayden still loved her.

She eyed me as she stalked into the kitchen, even daring to take a seat beside me. Her eyes looked at me with such hatred and it was hard for me to keep my mouth shut.

"Jasper," Paisley said, her high pitched voice dripping with vile disgust. "What're you doing here?"

I turned to her and glared. "I'm here because your brother likes me."

Her dark curls whipped to the side as she stared at her brother. "You like him? Out of everyone you could possibly like, you choose him? Your mind must be screwed up since it's been a while since you've dated."

"Paisley," Xander said slowly, his voice deep. "He said it wrong on purpose. I don't like him in that way but even if I did, I'd expect to have your support. And you can imagine how hard it's been for me since Vivi died so I'm not sure if I'm ready for anything anyways."

A part of me felt my heart sink as he said that but I couldn't understand why and Paisley dropped her head, embarrassed for her poor treatment of her brother. I wanted to know why Paisley so outwardly expressed her loathing of me when I'd never even spoken more than two words to her. It was the way I preferred it.

Xander's aunt began loading the table with the different kinds of foods she made and Hadlee's chubby hands shot out. Xander looked over at her and smiled, and I could see how much he loved her. It was hard to imagine that he was a father at such a young age, but the way he looked at his daughter outweighed that.

"So, Jasper," Xander's aunt said while we were eating. "How'd you meet Xander? I didn't think he had many friends."

I looked up at her, remembering the first day I met Xander and how he left a terrible impression of himself. Xander lifted his eyes and I noticed the slightest twitch of his head, warning me not to say anything about it. I smirked.

"Well, I figured that I'd ought to be friends with someone who so kindly gave me a free pack of cigarettes," I said, neglecting to say what really happened that day.

His aunt turned to Xander and narrowed her eyes, frowning. "I thought you quit smoking after Hadlee was born. Don't tell me you've picked it up again."

Xander's green eyes flashed at me, glaring. After all, he caused the same misunderstanding with me and Hayden's mother.

"I did quit," he spat. "I got the pack from Chase and figured I'd give it to Jasper since I don't smoke."

"Why would Chase give you them if he knows you quit?" his aunt asked, not believing the story.

"He doesn't know," he replied, though continued to glare at me. "Just drop it. I don't want to talk about it anymore."

"Take care of your health, Xander," his aunt said. "That's all I care about."

"I know," he said while pursing his mouth and removed his eyes from mine.

The room went silent for a few minutes while we all finished our food. I glanced at Xander again and he must've felt my eyes land on him because he lifted his eyes to meet mine. He raised an eyebrow. I quickly looked down, unable to keep my eyes locked on his and he pushed his chair out, standing up. He silently picked up his plate, went around to his aunt and grabbed hers, and continued going around the table until he had everyone's except mine. I decided to pick up my own, and followed him over to the sink.

He leaned over and began to wash the plates as Paisley lifted Hadlee out of her highchair and held her in her arms. I took the chance to talk to Xander.

"I'm, uh, sorry," I stuttered. "It's just-"

"Yeah, I did the same to you before. I get it," he cut me off as he scrubbed his plate.

"You do?" I asked. "You seemed pretty pissed."

He took his eyes of his plate and stared into my eyes. Then his hand suddenly shot up with bubbly soap oozing through his fingers, and it slowly collided with my face. The bubbles ran down my cheeks and my mouth dropped open.

"We're even now," he said and smirked before returning to his plates while the soap continued to drip from my face.

"We were even the second I brought up the cigarettes," I seethed, wiping my face with my hand. He continued to smirk as he scrubbed the rest of the plates but my impulsivity got the best of me, as it always did. I reached over Xander and grabbed the nozzle of the sink, turning and aiming it at him. His eyes widened as he looked at me.

"You wouldn't dare," he warned, his eyes looking at me sharply.

"You think I won't?" I asked, placing my hand on the faucet.

His soapy hands slowly rose up in surrender as he glared at me. "You will buy me a new shirt if you spray me, Jasper."

"A little water won't ruin it, you idiot," I said and smirked. 

"Jasper," he said, his voice especially deep.

And that was it. I turned the nozzle and water shot out from the nozzle, spraying Xander's entire body. His aunt screamed and Paisley looked over, giving me a look of disapproval. They both sighed and left the room, leaving us alone in our battle.

Xander's gray sweater turned a shade darker as it dripped with water and he wiped his face with his hand and then through his dark hair.

"You actually did it," he said.

"I'm not afraid of you," I replied, giving him a small grin.

"Guess I have no choice then," he said, grabbing the bottom of his shirt. He then slowly began to lift it up, gradually pulling it over his body, revealing solid abs, as I watched him.

He threw the sweater on one of the kitchen chairs and turned back to face me with his naked chest.

And all I could do was stare at his body.

"Holy shit."

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