He's Sick

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You tried not to laugh since Masky and Hoodie had to lead you straight to the mansion and let's say you could only watch as Slender groaned. "Please, don't laugh." You snorted, laughing and pointing at him. When you finally calmed down, you wiped the tears at the corner of your eyes and sighed. "Wow, at least you got sick at home." You commented, sitting at the edge of the bed. "(M/N), I blame you for this though." You snorted, grabbing his hand. "I told you not to blame and you said you wouldn't get sick."

He grumbled and squeezed your hand gently. "I'm still blaming you." You hummed, patting his chest. "Whatever you say, big guy."

Jeff the Killer-

A pillow was no way to save your boyfriend from a cold since he was on the couch, complaining. "(M/N), wanna know want to something?" He asked, patting your shoulder with his hand. "What is it this time, Jeff?" He rubbed his hand on your cheek. "I want to say my last words."

You grabbed the couch pillow that was on your lap and started to hit him with it. "You're sick! Not dying!" He groaned loudly and you stopped. "I love you."

"...love you too, creep."



He was silent before playing with your hair. "Can I have a k-"



BEN Drowned-

Benny boy and you were on your bed, playing games. You were over the small sickness your sister passed you but it passed to BEN. "I didn't mean to laugh, (M/N)." He whined quietly as he blew his nose for what seemed like the hundredth time. You hummed quietly, leaning your head on his shoulder. "Your own fault." He rubbed his cheek against your head, wanting to be better. "I want to be better so I can kiss and cuddle you." He then laid his head on your lap, nuzzling into your legs. "And maybe more?"

You hit his head lightly with your controller. "Stay sick forever." You muttered, avoiding his eyes. "You don't want that. I haven't even shown you half of what I could do with this tongue." He smiled at you, pointing at his tongue. "Pervert!" You blushed at the dirty thoughts you had and hit him with a nearby pillow. "Babe! You're so adorable!" He sneezed, protecting his face from your pillow.


"Babe?" You questioned, finding it unusual for Masky to call you, even if it's your day off. "Hey, (M/N). Can you maybe drop some cheesecake off?" He asked, coughing at the end, voice hoarse. "You got sick, didn't you?" There was silence before a groan. "Yes. You remember where to go for the mansion?" You snorted, trying not to laugh. "Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'll be there soon with some cheesecake. I thought you were dying when you called."

"I seriously feel like I am, baby." He chuckled making you laugh. "I'll be there soon. Need some medicine?" There was a small hum. "No. Smiley gave me some." You hummed quietly. "Mkay. I'll see you in a bit." He coughed and groaned. "I love you~" You said, getting up. "Love you too, baby." You chuckled, hanging up before grabbing a few slices to go and made you way to the mansion.


You played with Hoodie's hair as he laid his head on your chest. "You should've kept some distance from me." You said, rubbing your thumb on his cheek. He hummed quietly, eyes closed and arms around your waist. "I couldn't help it." He muttered, yawning. You continued to play with his hair, brushing your fingers through it. "Next time, I'll go see a doctor." He groaned, moving in between your legs. "I'll be good soon." You covered his mouth your hand and smiled. "No more talking. You keep talking, you're gonna lose your voice faster. Let's try to keep for when you need it." (A/N- he is no longer stuttering since I'm being lazy af)

"Ughhhhh." He hid under his blanket, head on your stomach, arms around your waist, wanting his cold to be gone.

Ticci Toby-

"How are you not hurting!" You shouted, laughing as Toby was being his usual self, just sneezing and coughing. "I can't feel pain!" He shouted back, picking you up. "I mean, I am slightly dizzy and my body is slightly heavy but I will survive!" (A/N - I'm just this lazy sometimes XD so enjoy the no stutters) "That's so unfair!" You whined, laying your head on his shoulder. "Sorry, my little baby. It's just how I work." You hit his shoulder and he laughed before groaning. "Ah, I'm dizzy..." You immediately got out of his arms and caught him before he leaned against your nightstand.

Toby laughed, holding his head. "I'm fine." Your eye twitched and you grabbed his arm, dragging him to bed. "We are gonna lay for a bit and give your body time to like calm the fuck down." Toby flopped onto your bed and gave a thumbs up. "Sir, yes, sir." You shook your head and took his mouthguard and goggles. "Sleep, child. You need the rest." You covered his eyes with your hand and he hummed. "Got it."

Eyeless Jack-

Ej totally regretted laying and staying the night with you but at the same time not. He got sick but wanted to be there for you. Now, he had to deal with your usual school rambling while you did your homework. "Ej, should I stop talking?" You asked, looking at him. He gave a quiet hum, rolling onto his side, and moved you where your back was against his chest. "No, keep going." You blinked and looked at your homework and realized that you couldn't do homework like this. "Uh, Ej?"

"Hm?" He hummed, arm on your waist, pulling you closer. You felt his nose nuzzle into the nape of your neck. "I can't do schoolwork like this." You didn't get a response, so your rolled over and now was face to face with him. Then you smiled, seeing him asleep. "Aw, my little Blu went to sleep." You moved the few strands from his face and gasped when he sneezed quietly. "It's the weekend anyway." You let your homework go and it was like Ej knew since he pulled you closer, away from the papers.

Homicidal Liu-

You were forced to sit on Liu's lap. You finally got them to be quiet by getting him sick but Sully and Liu weren't gonna let you get away with it so easily. That brings you where you are right now. You could tell who was who since one second your butt is being groped then the next, you have light kisses going along the side of your necks. Not that you had a problem, it was just weird that they weren't arguing and they were silent.

"I'm sorry." You mumbled but blushed when Sully groped you roughly. "Sully!" You pinched Liu's cheeks and he whined quietly. "Lil bunny, be a bit niceeee. We're sorry for being so louddd but did you have to get us sick?" Liu asked with a hoarse voice. "You two were arguing when I had a splitting headache. After kissing you, you both shut up." You played with hair slightly as he hummed. "I thought idiots don't get colds." You muttered.

"So mean." They said, hugging you again. "I know, I know." You patted their shoulder.

Laughing Jack-

"No! If you have anymore candy, you'll get sick even more!" You held the candy as high up as you could, so Lj wouldn't get it. That wasn't working out since he was taller. "I won't!" He argued, trying to grab the bag of candy. You dodged his hande and threw the bag under his the bed. "If you lay down and let your stomach calm down then I'll let you have some." He whined before both hands covered his mouth and he rushed to your bathroom. You winced, hearing him getting sick.

You walked in and he groaned. "Well?" He looked at you and nodded. "Fine." He flushed the toilet and you grabbed a towel, getting it wet. "After laying down for a bit, you can have a few pieces, OK?" He nodded reluctantly and let you lead him in bed. "More than a few?" You shrugged. "Maybe." He smiled and made you lay with him.

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