Beach / Pool Day

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"Enjoying it out there?" Offender asked, watching you swim around. "Dude, it is the perfect amount of cold for this day!" You answered, stopping for a moment. Offender stood in the water about knee deep and crossed his arms. "That's true."

You made your way to him and grabbed his hands. "You got to actually get in, Offender." You teased, tilting your head with a grin. "Okay, you got to give me a minute, love." He said quietly, making you laugh and pull him further into the water.

"Come on, sexy man."

Both of you decided you needed to go out for a bit and well, you choose the beach. Of course, Offender didn't mind. It was hot and the water was cold. A little bit too cold.

He shivered as he moved further, laughing as he stopped. "Give me a minute. It's cold!"

You shook your head and pointed at the water. "Dunk yourself and trust me, it helps a little."

"A little?"

With a small laugh, you let his hands go. "Hurry up. It's quick and works." You said, going under the water before coming up within a second. Offender chuckled before moving further into the water, shuddering. "Holy shit." Then he went under and came back up.

You laughed as he hugged himself. "Cold!"

"You're being a baby. Look, kids got in faster than you." You said, pointing at the few kids playing in the water.

Offender snorted. "Kids are invincible monsters." He stated, making you laugh as you rubbed his arm.


You shuddered and wrapped the towel around yourself before sitting next to Hoodie. "It's getting cold." You said, rubbing your arms.

"You were in there for awhile." Hoodie chuckled, making you snort. "Do you mind if you make me a sandwich?" You asked, tilting your head.

He raised a brow and chuckled. "Can't you make it?"

With a scoff, you waved your hands. "My hands are cold. I'm gonna fumble and probably drop the food."

Hoodie laughed a little and nodded, rubbing your shoulder. "Yeah, yeah, I'll make you one, just warm up, okay?" He dug around in the cooler and pulled out sandwich fixings. "How long are we staying here?" He asked, making you shrug.

"It's real pretty at night. Maybe stay till it's dark." You said, hugging yourself. "We'll take some of this stuff to the car and then we can walk around for a bit." You smiled, making him nod a little and handed you the sandwich.

"We can do that. You got tan lines on your face too." He commented, and you hummed in confusion, touching your face. "I do?" You asked, getting a nod. "Yeah, you do. That happens when you decide to wear goggles most of the day."

"My dad asked me to grab some rocks from here, alright. Don't judge me! Just trying to please the father dearest wishes." You exclaimed, making him chuckle and rub your back. "I know, I know."

Laughing Jack- 

Lj was just swimming around in the pool while you hung out on the edge of the pool, watching him. "Look at you go!" You exclaimed, making Lj look over at you and smile. "You're talking to me?" He asked, raising a brow jokingly.

"Who else would I be talking to? It's midnight. There's literally no one here but us."

Lj nodded as he made his way to you. "True, true." He said before grinning. "Hotel pools are the best. We can swim whenever." He said, hands on either side of your legs. "So, you gonna come in or not?" He asked, making you chuckle.

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