Chapter 40

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Tom’s POV

It was quiet. It was too quiet between us. I was still lying on the floor and Bill hadn’t moved an inch from sitting up against the sofa. The cut in his eyebrow had stopped bleeding while the busted lip I had was still seeping. Completely ignoring each other I was trying to breathe deep. The iced bread had started melting into a disgusting mush so I threw it away and instantly felt the pain increasing in my ribs.

-You didn’t need to punch me in the face you know, Bill hissed as I rolled my eyes.

-You punched me in the face first, I retorted as he huffed.

-Yeah because you’re an ass.

Growling I was almost ready to charge at him again, that idiot could be so damn stubborn and ignorant sometimes it was unbelievable. Being the older brother and the leader of our mafia gang, I needed to step up to the plate and be mature for once.

-Can you just listen for me for five minutes Bill without getting pissed off? I asked calmly and looked over at him, folded arms across his chest in a very unenthusiastic way. I groaned too myself, damn he was just like me that stubborn idiot.

-Fine, he muttered and I settled for that answer as I tried my best to stand up. Taking a seat at a chair by the dinner table I felt like I could breathe a little better at least.

-Did you make contact with the minions? I asked.

-No they contacted me first by a letter, Bill answered irritated. Nodding my head, I tried to go through the details in how we had gotten into this huge mess.

-And what did they write?

-They wrote that they knew where we were and we will get what we deserve...

I could feel the stress and fear in his voice and I must admit, I felt it too. 

-And then what?

Bill sighed and took a deep breath.

-The same type of letters kept on coming, and then the soundless phone calls came. And it didn’t take long time until I noticed Anthony’s minions where following us around, observing our every move without doing anything. They were just sitting in their cars, staring at what we were doing.

Bill was starting to look really scared and worried by now and I felt really bad for my little brother that he had to go through all of this shit while I was having some of the best moments of my life. He looked up at me, his identical eyes to mine seeking an answer.

-Amd that’s when you contacted them and called them out? I said, my voice subtle but i made sure he  could still hear my anger. Bill nodded regretfully.

-I told them to back off, to keep to themselves but it wasn’t enough. His minions continued if not even more until I felt like I had enough and I decided to take the matter into my own hands, he said.

Tensing my fists I knew what he had done but he continued anyway.

-I found out where their current leader was after Anthony was dead and it turned out to be his cousin. I didn’t even now that until I had put a bullet in him and his men came in and started going crazy. I panicked Tom, he cried out as I nodded.

Hunted by the mafia, memories and secrets in Rome/Tom Kaulitz storyWhere stories live. Discover now