Part 23 The Masked Person

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                                                                              Rose's Pov

I woke up In a wooden hut and looked around and saw Z was still out cold.

Shit this sucks who the hell knocked us out. I thought to myself

I tried to get up but something tugged on my arm I looked to see my arm was tied to a wooden pole.

Ha I'll just cut this with my robot arm. I thought to myself

I looked over to see my robot arm was gone and looked shocked.

What the fuck who could have gotten It off with out walking me up. I Said

Ugh my head. Someone Said

I looked over to see that Z was sitting up and rubbing his head.

Head hurt ? I Asked Z

Z looked at me and sighed.

Yeah a lot where the hell are we ? Z Asked Me

I've got no idea but we got to get out now. I Said

Z looked at me and his eyes widened.

Where's your robot arm ? Z Asked Me

Don't know who ever kidnapped us took It off somehow. I Said

Nice to see you two are awake. Someone Said

We looked over to see a person wearing a black clock and a wooden mask.

Who the hell are you ? I Asked The Masked Person

That don't matter what matters Is why are you on my planet. The Masked Person Said

You'r planet I didn't know someone could own a planet. Z Sarcastically Said

The Masked Person walked over to Z and pulled a knife out and put It against his throat and my eyes went wide.

No don't please. I Said

Why ? The Masked Person Asked Me

Please don't kill him he's my boyfriend. I Said

The Masked Person pull the knife away from Z's throat and sighed.

Your both gonna have to pay somehow unless you tell me why your here. The Masked Person Said

Rose the space warriorWhere stories live. Discover now