Part 31 Forgiven

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                                                                                     Noah's Pov

I looked at Benito confused.

How are you alive you got shot In the chest ? I Asked Benito

Z healed me during the fight. Benito Said

I looked at Z shocked.

Why would you help him I thought you hated him ? I Asked Z

We need him alive to get a ship after that I'll kill him myself. Z Said

Benito looked scared.

HELL NO I'M NOT GOING WITH YOU MORONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Benito Yelled

Yeah you are I wan't to finish what we started. Z Said

Fuck no If you touch me I won't tell you where to go to find a ship. Benito Said

Z was about to say something but I hit him In the back of the head and knocked him out shocking everyone.

Why the fuck did you do that ? Greg Asked Me

I was getting tired of them fighting and I want to get this over with. I Said

W...Well good then. Benito Said

Benito pulled a piece of paper and wrought something on It and handed It to me.

Here follow these directions and you'll find someone who will sell you a ship. Benito Said

Oh well thanks I guess. I Said

Good now take me brother and leave now. Benito Said

I picked up Benito and we started walking away until I tuned my head to see Valerie was following us and I stopped and looked at her.

What do you think your doing ? I Asked Valerie

I...I have no where else to go. Valerie Said

That's not our problem now Is It. I Said

Greg glared at me.

Come on just let her come with us she has no where else to go. Greg Said

Do you think we can trust her because I don't. Noah Said

Oh come on give her a chance. Eric Said

Fine but Greg has to watch her then. I Said

Rose the space warriorDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora