Chapter Fourteen: Unwanted Attention

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Hesitantly, we all gathered around the sink Seth had filled with water, peering down into the basin waiting for one of our brothers to get through to us. We knew that Dad would be no help: he was on the crazy Reaper's side, proud of the boy for killing at random and kidnapping poor innocent girls.

Like I had said before, he was truly evil.

"Caleb!" Jules gasped, nudging me in the side. I would have shot daggers at her had she not been pointing down into the sink. The water that had been once still began to ripple and shake, until an image began to seep through.

Kore, the Demon of Greed, and Micah, the Demon of War, melted into vision with frowning faces, clearly not happy they were the ones who had to help us. I rolled my eyes. They knew that out of everyone back home, someone who knew war and greed would work well for our situation, especially if we didn't have powers. They'd help us cheat all of Jonathan's tricks, like the witches.

"You called?" Kore muttered, disagreeing with his presence in this conversation. I was in the right mind to tell him just to leave, I could even see the twins resisting the urge to fight with our older brother, but Seth kept them in line.

"We need your help," Jules cut in, clearly aggravated by our second eldest brother. She and Kore had never got on, always disagreeing and arguing and fighting over the stupidest of things, to the point everyone had just accepted they were two people you didn't want to be in the same room with at once.

The last time someone had gotten caught in one of their fights, we'd had to take them to the River Lethe just so they could forget the horrors they had seen.

As I said, their fights were not pretty.

"Dearest sister," Micah slurred, as if he was drunk. Out of all our siblings, Micah was probably the least liked, being unable to get along with and very competitive, to the point where half of us had tried to disown him as a brother. If anything, he should have been taking over Hell, not Seth. He was more like Dad than anyone, even more so than newbie Jonathan.

Jules flipped our brother off, hissing.

I think she still blamed him for ratting out her healing ointment to Dad.

Maybe this call was a bad idea.

"I'm guessing this is about the prodigy everyone has been talking about then?" Kore yawned, rolling his eyes with lack of interest. "And you've called us to see if we can assist you in anyway?"

The twins nodded, confirming our intentions. If we could just have some help from the other side, we could really have a chance of beating Jonathan and rescuing Rachel. It was possible. So long as everyone cooperated.

"And why do you think we should help you?" Micah seethed, his sleazy grin disappearing into a frown. Of course, why would the Demon of War help anyone?

"Because if we don't," -I said starring them both down hard through the waterway- "then like I said before, we're all under threat. Jonathan is fully capable of creating a war between Hell and Heaven, to the point that even some of the royal family could die."

There was an unwanted silence as I paused, which meant what I was saying was true and my siblings knew it, especially about the Royals.

The Royals were made up of twenty-four immortals, half from Heaven, half from Hell. My siblings and I were the twelve from Hell, our bloodline looked up to and untainted, just like our Angel cousins. We mirrored them exactly, with eleven males and one female of exactly the same age as their counter parts. They were the positive to our negative. It meant that there was a balance- a harmony, that if disrupted would throw each world into panic and un-rectifiable chaos. And no one wanted that balance disrupted.

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