Chapter Fifteen: Too Broken

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"So you're telling me," I started, "that you have no idea where those demon mistakes are?" 

I seethed, gritting my teeth as I stared down at the two witches grovelling at my feet.

They were making the room look untidy.

We'd made the last stop on our trip, a small, rarely heard of hotel on the outskirts of Lake City, my home city up until about eight years ago, and a very beautiful place if you could appreciate Living notions such as that. Fortunately for me, I did not.

The one thing I did admire about this city was that its residents, while they had shown concern for the unconscious Rachel in my arms, they had all accepted my 'she's asleep' excuse, which even I had thought was pushing it slightly. I mean, who would believe that a young girl covered in scars in the arms of a young man was just 'sleeping'?

I could see why we had moved all those years ago.

My father had been so excited about the move from Lake City to Atlantic Beach, eager to begin his new teaching job, whereas my mother had been anything but pleased. She was well settled as restaurant manager, and having to pack up and leave all for Dad had been hard on her. But she had loved him, and from that one act, it appeared that love had been enough.

I didn't have a family anymore though, as far as I was concerned. After finding out Mom's secret, I wasn't ashamed I'd made her my first victim.

And I certainly wasn't guilty for orphaning my sister while she was at Summer Camp. Our parents didn't deserve a girl as good as her. I had done my sister a favour, even if she wouldn't see it that way when she returned home.


Something I, nor Rachel, had anymore.

"Jonathan," one of the lowly witches pleaded, clutching my leg as if it were something she could touch. She was quick to let go after I gave her one of my glares. The witch beside her huffed and got to her feet with attitude, and looked at me as if it should have been me on my feet.

"Look," she sniped, kissing her teeth with a smirk. Hands on hips, this witch appeared to be one of the younger witches, old enough to know their place in the supernatural world, but stupid enough to believe they could gain more status.

This one definitely seemed stupid.

"We lost them, big whoop," she huffed. "We can always track them tomorrow, or get more of our sisters to assist us."

My snarl left my face.

"Ah yes," I spoke, hesitant to ensure she thought I was considering her stupid little plan. "I simply forgot you called your coven 'sisters' as if you all shared the same blood." I gestured behind her towards the room doorway where Marana stood, lifeless. Her head was ever so slightly tilted, and her stance swayed with every passing second that myself and the two witches looked on at her.

The witch-with-attitude gasped when she noticed one small significant detail though, the other frail witch crying out when she took in the colour of Marana's irises.

Vivid orange.

Less than a second latter, the smart-ass witch dropped to her knees, eyes full of tears as she looked up at me, pleading. "Please!"

I just chuckled, draining out the screams and cries she emitted as Marana began to draw closer. The way she moved was so creepy, even I felt my Living side begin to fear the scene unfolding before me. But then I reminded myself that I was in complete control of this situation.

"My Lord, please, I beg of you!" The young witches screamed, the racket causing Rachel to stir awake. I suddenly shot Marana a look and nodded.

In slow motion, I watched as the zombie-fied Marana raised her hand, the power she possessed glowing around her finger tips like snakes, sizzling with the fire energy she controlled as a Fire Witch. In my mind I mumbled the spell that Marana repeated, unaware of the crime she would unknowingly commit against her coven, as the energy erupted from her palm and struck the two witches before me.

Their forms grew orange, then a furious red, burning more and more as they screamed and screeched in painful agony. I watched gleefully as their bodies began to burn from the inside out, their clothes melting off of them in scraps whilst their hair, nails and eyes sizzled away like a dying flame.

With one last cry, their skin burnt black and it began to crack in a ghastly manner, splintering out slowly until bang! They combusted into fragments of ash.

"Well done Marana," I whispered, snapping her from her trance. Whilst humans, such as my cousin Ella, felt faint and did not remember the events of their possession, witches could recall every emotion, every thought, and every detail of the experience and feel completely brand new once I released them.

Marana staggered back, horrified at what she had done and stared down in terror at what she had done. I felt somewhat sorry for the poor girl, having to have murdered both a sister from her coven, an fortunately a sister by blood.

That had been the back chatter who'd only moments ago, been begging for my forgiveness.

Marana's eyes were cold as she looked up at me, but she kept in her spiteful words. "What message shall I pass on to the others?" She asked, her undertone angry but too broken to fight.

A smirk took hold of my mouth. "I want those demons found. I want them brought to me, alive." I turned away from her, looking to Rachel who'd surprisingly drifted back to sleep. I couldn't bare to look at anymore witches, not when they carried on disappointing me as they had been. "Is that clear?"

Marana gulped in the unwanted silence, her heartbeat fast as she mumbled a positive reply and left.

Yet I didn't need super-hearing to hear her crumble to the floor outside my room as floods of tears consumed her.


haha I know why :P

Whilst this is from Jonathan's point of view, Caleb is still dreaming althought I just wanted a short chapter just for Jonathan. What a mean dude, killing Marana's sister. I mean, I could understand a warning, but killing her because she suggested a simple idea.

Well, he is the villian here :P

This chapter is dedicated to malakeyegod for all his awesome comments on Hell Bound (BASICALLY, VOTE AND COMMENT AND I'LL DEDICATE TO YOU :D) :P

Song for this chapter is Lucifer's Angel by The Rasmus, which is kinda a nod towards Jonathan... :)



I hope you'll also check out my 'Please Think' poetry collection, just because.

thank you <3

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