fourteen | nature adventures

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The next morning we sadly left Collingwood and made our way to Blue Mountain, but not before exchanging numbers with Rose and Jerry.

I had woken up in Zach's arms, which as comforting as it was, was also horrifying. It's not something that can happen again if I want to remain intact when this trip is over.

I had snuck out of bed and showered before Zach had woken up. We both got the free breakfast from the hotel and headed out at 9am.

We only had a twenty minute drive ahead of us which we spent planning how we were going to spend our day in Blue Mountain. We decided to go to Scenic Caves Nature Adventures and go zip-lining. 

When we arrived we learnt the package that was available was for zip-lining, treetop walks, a suspension bridge, and a cave tour.

The zip-lining came last, and after the adrenaline from the other activities Zach and I were practically bouncing.

"Zach did you see how high we were on those tree's?! Did you see how small everything looked?! Did you see how big the branches were!? Did yo-"

I was suddenly cut off by Zach placing his hand over top of my mouth with an amused expression on his face.

"Yes, Lenny. I saw everything, but right now you need to get your cute little butt moving because we're next on the zip-line."

Despite my bright mood, I still grumbled under my breath over his comment about my butt being little. It's not even that little.

I stepped up to my zip-line while Zach stepped up to the one beside mine. As we were getting harnessed in, I looked at the line and lost my breath over how high it was.

"How long is this zip-line?" I asked the tour guide.

"It's about half a mile long." He replies "You'll see Collingwood, Georgian Bay, and Blue Mountain."

My eyes widen at the discovery of the length I'll be travelling. Half a mile? We just drove twenty minutes from Collingwood and I'm going to see it from the air.

Zach noticed my freak out and grabbed my attention by placing my hand in his.

"Lenny, this is going to be awesome. You just walked on a three hundred foot tree, and we jumped out of a plane yesterday, you can zip-line. I'll be right beside you, okay?"

I lost myself in the beauty and intensity of his eyes as he reassured me everything would be fine and found myself nodding. Zach will be beside me.

The tour guide asked if we were ready, I looked to Zach and saw determination and excitement shining brightly in his eyes. 

I nodded to the tour guide just as did Zach, and then we were flying.

I gasped at the sudden speed I was moving at, everything around me was a blur until I became adjusted.

I looked around and gasped again at the sight before me. Tree's lined the bay, and the twelve o'clock sun did immense work in helping the bay look like a classic painting. The bay sat proudly in between Collingwood and Blue Mountain. Both towns looking like they were beautiful small villages.

I continued to look around me until my eyes fell on Zach. He was a little bit a head of me, but not too far away that I couldn't see his wide smile. He looked at the scenery and committed it all to memory before turning back and looking at me.

His smile seemed to widen at the sight of me and I have no doubt that mine did the same. I looked at Zach and knew this was a trip I would never forget, and that this was a moment I would never forget.

Because on this trip and in this moment, it was just him and I.


After we landed the adrenaline that had been pumping through our bodies seemed to be at an impossible high.

The minute we were unhooked we ran and hugged each other as if our lives depended on it, and in that moment it felt like they did.

"Holy shit, did you see that Lenny?" Zach excitedly asked as he gripped my face in his hands. "We were so high up! And the water was so unreal and all of the leaves changing colours!"

I couldn't help but let out a laugh as I latched onto his fore arms. "I saw Zach, it was incredible. Did you see how the sun was in the perfect place? And I swea-"

I was cut off by Zach's lips smashing onto my own, and I returned the kiss was no hesitation. All of the reasons for this being a bad idea flew out the window and all I could focus on was Zach.

All I felt was how soft his lips were, and how passionately they moved against my own. This kiss consumed all of my senses and left me grasping onto Zach as if he was my oxygen. Zach did the same by moving my face to a position where be could better devour me, and he did.

My hands moved into his soft hair where I lost track of them. I couldn't focus on what they were doing but I could tell Zach enjoyed it by the groan I felt in my mouth. 

My mouth was about to open to let Zach continue his sweet assault when our need for oxygen got in the way.

We both hesitantly pulled our lips apart, but made no move to create any further distance between ourselves. Zach rested his forehead against mine as we both attempted to catch our breaths.

My eyes remained closed in fear of what would happen when I opened them. I didn't want to see reality, I didn't want to see the harsh truth of my future laid in front of me, I just wanted to remain blissfully ignorant of everything but Zach. 

Zach's thumb tracing my cheeks brought me to open my eyes. I saw that his were gazing down at me adoringly while a small smile played on his lips.

"You, my dear, have no idea how long I've been wanting to do that." Zach softly whispered to me.

And it was after hearing those words that I knew, deep in my heart, that I was falling for Zach Dawson. The harsh truth took my breath away but as I looked into his grey orbs that I swear nobody else in the world had, I couldn't deny it.

"You're mine now, Lenny."

I'm dying Zach, how will I ever be able to tell you that?

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