bonus chapter #1 - kids?

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Zach's POV - 3 months after the epilogue.

As I sit here, watching my beautiful Leena sing to the kids in the hospital, I wonder how she can be so strong. I know she hates being in the hospital, I witness the anxiety she feels before we even pull into the parking lot. But the moment her doctor told her the kids were constantly asking when she would return, she decided she would continue to sing for them.

I watch how she sings to them in her melodic voice, and how she flashes them that beautifully genuine smile and I feel myself smile too. I know, I'm a cheesy fuck but I can't help it. I love her.

As I'm entranced by her smile, I wonder if she will be blessing me with one in a few hours when I surprise her. Despite what she might think, I haven't forgotten a word from that video she sent me all those years ago and I'm about to surprise her with a trip to the Amalfi coast.

I stand up from the uncomfortable hospital chair as I see her rise and start giving the kids hugs goodbye. I see her smile begin to falter, and I know her anxiety and sympathy for the children are starting to effect her.

I meet her at the door and immediately throw my arm around her shoulder, bringing her into me as I place a tender kiss on the side of her head.

"Are you okay?" I murmur as I look at her in concern.

"Fine." She says with a tightlipped smile as she takes a deep breath in, letting me know that she is in fact not fine but doesn't want to talk about it right now.

"Lets get out of here." I say with a smile as I guide her towards the exit.

As we approach the car I pull her in for a long hug before she has the chance to open the passenger door. She responds by digging her face into my chest and sniffling, a clear sign that she's trying not to cry.

"You shouldn't do this to yourself." I murmur as I place gentle kisses on her cheeks and rub her hair soothingly. "There's other ways you can help them."

"They want me there, how can I say no?" She says in a heartbreakingly sad voice as she adamantly shakes her head.

"You've been singing to them for seven years now, baby. You're allowed to pass the torch." I respond, hating seeing her so sad all of the time. I deeply admire her for being so dedicated to personally helping these kids, but I can see it's slowly breaking her.

"It's Childhood Cancer Awareness month, babe, I need to do this." She fiercely responds back, and I know not to argue about it any longer.

"Okay." I soothingly respond. "If this is something you need to do, then I support you."

"Thank you." She answers as she looks up at me with her brilliant smile and I can't help but lean down and steal a passionate kiss from her.

"Anything you need, baby. I'm here."


On the car ride back we sit in a comfortable silence until I realize there is something important that we haven't spoken about yet.

"Leena?" I call out, wanting her full attention.

"Yeah?" She answers as she turns her head so her sparkling brown eyes are focused on me and only me. And fuck if I don't love that.

"I've never asked you if you want any kids? You're always volunteering with them so I just assum-"

"I do." She whispered back with a smile that was a mix of happy and sad, not letting me know how this conversation is going to go.

"All of the chemo I went through causes infertility, so biological children are out of the question but I would love to adopt." She continues, making me want to slap myself for not coming to that conclusion on my own.

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