Chapter Eight - Helene's POV

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In the past, I had always enjoyed my visits to the Gilmore Manor; however, today I felt slightly unnerved. I could still see Jonathan Gilmore's face in my mind, his eyes wide with shock. I suppose that he had not expected me to say what I did, but at least he knew that I had not intended to hurt his friend. My reason had needed to be made clear, and now that it was, I felt all the more free. Of course, it would probably get uncomfortable being in the same room together from now on, but then again, when had it not been uncomfortable for me?

As my parents and I were escorted upstairs by the Gilmore's butler for another music lesson, I began to replay our heated argument from two nights prior. It seemed that we had both misunderstood the other. He had thought that I was planning to disgrace Matthew, and I had thought that he was planning to disgrace me. Looking back on that evening, it was actually ironic that we had both come to same conclusion.

Despite that, there were so many question dancing around in my head. I was certain that he had been eavesdropping as well. Why had he done that? Could it be that he was listening in order to ensure that his friend's horrible temped did not cause him to destroy the house? Why would he go out of his way just to confront me, especially when he seemed to hate dancing. Was he acting out of concern for his friend? Personally, I did not picture him as the type to care about his friends that much.

His invitation had certainly drawn the attention of the young ladies at the ball. Shortly after we had gone our separate ways, a whole group of them, Louise included, had flocked around me, begging me for details and asking whether he was just as handsome up close. It was rather pathetic. They were exactly who I had been referring to when I spoke of the silly, empty-headed girls. However, once I explained to them that he had only asked me in order to silence the complaints made by his peers, they all lost interest and left me alone. At least I would not have to worry about anyone starting any ridiculous rumours.

"I trust that you will be able to find your way to the music room," the butler said, as we reached the landing.

"Of course," I said with a nod, before making my way down the corridor. While walking, I studied the many paintings and portraits that lined the walls. There was one of the Governor looking exceptionally chivalrous on the back of a white stallion, and another of the entire family in the garden, seated on a bench, under a big shady tree. Mr. Gilmore and his wife were seated in the centre with their young children surrounding them.

By his appearance in the painting, it seemed that even as a child Jonathan was rather distant towards the others. Caroline was seated on her father's lap, while Vincent sat beside his mother. Jonathan, on the other hand, looked as though he were purposefully trying to sit as far away from the rest of them as he possibly could. It was a bit puzzling, but I did not allow myself to dwell on it as I found myself approaching the door to the music room.

When I arrived, I found that the door was already open. Inside Caroline was seated on a sofa all by herself, drinking a cup of tea. "Helene!" Her face brightened when she noticed me. "Come in and let us begin our lesson."

"Very well," I agreed, taking a seat in front of the piano. "Where is Louise? Normally she is still in lessons at this time."

"Her family had a previous engagement to attend to," she explained, setting her teacup down on the coffee table and coming to stand at my side. "Would you care to demonstrate for me how you have been faring with the song I gave you last week?"

"Of course," I replied, beginning to play. One thing that I enjoyed about living in England was having the chance to learn about the many famous composers and poets. I could play quite a few compositions, yet I still strove to learn more. One of my favourite composers happened to be Mr. Johann Sebastian Bach. His compositions inspired me to do my best and expect nothing more. All of my worries seemed to fade away whenever I played his music.

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