Chapter Fourteen - Helene's POV

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I found myself lost in thought as we rode through the forest, once again on our way to the Gilmore estate. At times it seemed as though we were constantly visiting the Gilmore's, but in reality, we usually only visited them once a week. However, that was not what was on my mind. Questions were swirling around in my head concerning Mr. Johnson's strange behaviour. I was aware that I had vowed not to get involved unless something drastic happened, but I could not help myself. Besides, it was not as if I was the only one who was suspicious.

He had seemed quite charming to me, but I wondered whether that was nothing but an act. I knew all too well that you could not always trust people. Being as suspicious and curious as I was, I had remained in the corridor for a few moments after Vincent had interrupted my conversation with Jonathan, peaking around the corner. I had to say that I agreed with Jonathan's theory. It made sense for him to be afraid of Mrs. Gilmore. Almost everyone was. Perhaps he had accidentally offended her in some way and was now angry with him.

As the carriage came to a halt in front of the manor, I considered asking Caroline if she knew anything about him. She was the only person that I could think of asking without asking Mrs. Gilmore directly. Even if I could ask her, I was fairly certain that she would probably just tell me to mind my own business and walk away with her head held high. She was not someone who could casually be approached. Even my mother had a hard time conversing with her.

Carefully stepping out of the carriage, I followed my parents inside and began to same old routine all over again. The butler arrived, took our hats and coats, and escorted us upstairs. However, this time I took off down the corridor, towards the music room before he could even give me the formal instructions. You would think that he would not feel the need to do so after visiting so many times. It was honestly a bit tiresome.

Once again, the door was open with no trace of Louise inside. The only one in the room was Caroline, who was already seated at the piano, ready to begin our lesson. I quickly prayed that we would not be disturbed this time and went to join her. "Forgive me for being late," I apologized. "My father lost his cane and we had to turn the house upside down to find it."

"That is quite all right. I have not been waiting too long," she replied with a giggle.

I smiled and took a seat beside her. She began to teach me how to play the Bach Prelude, which I found relatively easy. There were a few parts that I found a bit tricky, but she helped me through it and before I knew it, I could play it alongside her with only a few mistakes. Halfway through the lesson, we decided to take a break and have some tea, and thankfully not once did a servant interrupt us.

"Might I ask you something?" I requested.

Of course," she replied.

"Do you know Mr. Johnson?"

Her eyes widened, as she nearly choked on her tea. "Why do you ask that?"

That reaction was definitely not one that I had been expecting. It told me that she knew more than I had thought. "I have noticed that he seems to be afraid of your family," I explained. "I was just wondering if you knew anything about him."

Gently she set her cup of tea down on the end table and got up from her seat, strolling over to the window as if she were brooding about something. "I did know him five years ago," she said.

"Did something happen between him and your parents?"

"There was an incident. Although it was not between him and my parents," she began to explain. "We were in love with each other, or at least that was what I had thought."

It was my turn to be surprised. "Y-You loved him?" I echoed with a slight stutter.

She nodded. "He meant the world to me, but he did not feel the same way about me.

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