Chapter 16

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Dedicated to PattyWilson!! 😘

Took a while to come up with another chapter, but here you go!

Helena's POV

I could hear grunting and moaning from just a short distance away.

'Helena! Please make him stop!' Heather's voice came into my mind panicked.

I opened my eyes and saw that I was in a plain room: wooden floors, cream walls, metal tables, large metal cabinets.

.....Well not too plain.


I looked to my left and saw a figure bent over someone on a metal table.

"H-Heather? What? ....Heather!" I tried to sit up, but something had me strapped down to the table. "Stop it! Leave her alone! God, I'll kill you!"

I tried again and again to get up, but I couldn't.

"Please, let her go!" I screamed through tears. I could hear thumping and screams from the next room, but I couldn't tell who it was.

The person that was assaulting Heather turned towards me.

"Ryan?! Oh thank the Lady! (Get it?!?!) Could you help us out of here? Someone must have taken us, and we have to get out of here before they come back." I quickly explained.

Ryan is our friend from California.

"My goodness. Helena! Put two and two together!! Ryan kidnapped us!" Heather shouted at me. I never said I was a genius.... Or smart...

"....Oooooooooh! Okay. I'm following now. Ryan!!! Untie me so I can beat your scrawny behind!!!" I began thrashing around on the table trying to escape.

"No can do, my love. You aren't being very nice, so you'll have to be punished," he smirked as he stalked towards me.

"Touch my mate and I'll break every bone in your body," a voice erupted from the door way. From the chills and the sudden dampness between my legs, I knew exactly who it was.

"I'm already going to rip him apart for kissing mine!" another familiar voice shouted.

"Do it, I dare you." Ryan's voice was low and emotionless. Something cold and sharp was placed to my throat. "Take another step and all of you will be dead. One slice... 4 bodies." A crazed look came into his eye at this point.

"Ryan! Don't! Please! It'll-" Heather began but I cut her off.

"No. Do it, Ryan. There is only going to be one dead body. And however you want this to play out, that dead body will be yours." I could feel him tremble at the truth behind my words. He didn't know why, but I did.

"I love you and Heather so much, but if these guys are really your mates, then they'll try to take you both from me. And I'd rather no one have you if I can't have you." A single tear fell from his eye as he drew back the blade and plunged it into my chest...

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