plans no one wants

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---------Levi's POV, later---------
I watch as Erwin sighs and rests his head in his hand.

"We don't have to"

"Yes Levi we do"

I lean back heavily in my seat,
"he could just stay here forever, he gets food, has a room, he can still clean the house so he doesn't get the idea something's weird"

"But he wouldn't be able to live life like he would want. He'd think he was always a breath away from being yelled at for not cleaning enough. We have to let him go"

I felt my hands clench into fists and growled out, "So what, he can go rot in the streets"

Erwin rose his head and met my eyes, his expression filled with disbelief, "you really think I would do that Levi"

I let out a sigh and try to release the tension in my body, "no, sorry Erwin, I just don't like the idea of sending him off somewhere someone could hurt him like people in his past"

Erwin gave me a look of understanding, "I know what you mean levi, but keeping him here against his will isn't going to make anything better"

"So what is your plan Erwin? " I sigh out. Erwin folds his hands in what I call the 'serious news' Position.

"I know a few people, I plan to call some of them and set him up with an apartment and a job. We'll pay off the apartment until he gets his paycheck and settles into the rhythm of paying his bills and buying food"

I release a deep sigh and lean my head back, "I hate how agreeable that plan sounds, are you sure we can't, maybe, give him a bigger room, give him paychecks every month and tell him we've decided we'll just hire him as our maid and leave out the fact he lives here for free? "

I can feel Erwin's disapproving look.

"Ok, ok, fine"
I sit up straight and wipe off the imaginary dust from my shirt.

"I suppose we should look for an apartment not too far and a job that's nearby? "

"Yes, it... Shouldn't take too long" He let's out a deep sigh.

I feel the same way.

--------Eren's POV  2 weeks later--------

I let out an achieved sigh as I put away the cleaning supplies, 'finally done!'

"Hey brat, follow me, Erwin and I would like to speak with you. " Levi pops out of no where. 'Shit, what did I do?' He turns and starts to walk off before I can even motion for an explanation.

'Shit!' I start to hurry after him.

Why can't he just wait, damn.
He leads me into Erwin's office with the owner of said office situated at his desk. Levi sat in one of the chairs bordering the left wall of the office.

"Please take a seat eren. " Erwin said as he gestured to the seat in front of his desk.

As I sat down I could hear my heart going a mile a minute, 'Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, what did I do? I know I cleaned each room perfectly, did I miss something, did I break something?!'

Thankfully Erwin interrupted my mantra of panic, "don't worry eren, your not in trouble"

He smiled softly.
I cautiously relax into my seat.

"We have made choice given on how well you have cleaned and we decided that you are free to go. "

I blinked.
Free to go?
I don't want to go.
I have no where to go in the first place!

"We've done a little bit of background checking, and realise you are homeless, so we have found you a job, you'll be working as a pet groomer at one of the pet places nearby as we've seen you are quite compatible with animals,"

My face slightly heats up in embarrassment, a week ago a wild possum got in somehow and it would hiss at everyone but me, it actually crawled into my lap and let me pet it and carry it back outside.

"we also have an apartment near by so you can walk back and forth. We will pay for it until you have a handle on paying the rent and buying groceries."

I couldn't help but to gape at Erwin.
I try to steal from his most trusted and as punishment I clean their home, get 3 ginormous meals every day, and now they're helping me get a job and home of my own!
I have to lean back in my chair to make sure I don't somehow fall.

Levi monotonous voice breaks out, "your not going to pass out are you?"

I loudly swallow the gathering spit in my mouth and shake my head no.

Erwin's expression hardens, "I hope you don't think this is overbearing."

I vigorously shake my head.
This had to be the most nice thing anyone has ever done for me.

His soft smile takes over his face again, "good, you can go ahead and go back to your rooms. You start you new job in 3 days and we'll show you your apartment in 2 days.
So you'll be nicely acquainted with your new living space. Levi and I have of course already furnished it. We'll make sure you know the route to your job and we'll leave you to your own."

Strange feelings awaken at that.
It feels like sadness and... Heartbreak?
It, doesn't make sense.
I think about it though, and it kind of does. Erwin and Levi were always nice to me even though this is supposed to be punishment.
Nicer than anyone I've ever known.
The feelings I have towards them is almost like... How I felt about my mother.

"Hey, your not dead are you?" I snap out of my stupor and look towards Levi.

I shake my head no.
It seems to be my new action of the week now.

"If you have no questions you can go on back to your rooms then, if you do, well, there's some pen and paper there, question away."

Again, another head shake.

I stand and start to make my way out of Erwin's office when the man himself decides to add something else, "we'll also be checking in from time to time to make sure you're getting along just fine"

I give him a small smile and a nod as I continue to my room to contemplate these newly discovered feelings for two men.
Not only two men, two men who I tried to steal from and they made me clean their home.
Two leaders of a gang.

'Oh what have I gotten myself into.'

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