interrupted warmth

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I woke up warm and snug. A glance around told me I was in my nest.
Or rather, WE were in my nest.
I had Erwin against my back, his face buried in my hair and hands resting on my hips. Levi was at my front, somehow finding space to ALSO bury his face in my hair, arms holding Erwin's waist so we were all smushed together.

'Does my hair smell good or something?'

I dismiss the thought in favor of basking in the fact that I have BOTH of my mates snuggled with me in my nest. Against my will a pur starts in my chest.
Levi, who I thought was asleep, starts to chuckle.

"Possessive little thing aren't you?"

He moves a hand up to start rubbing my ear. Oh that's- that's nice. My pur kicks up a notch as I close my eyes and enjoy Levi's ministrations.
One of Erwin's hands move to start rubbing circles into my stomach. I groan and stretch out for more.

"Awake there eyebrows?"
A deep grunt and a full body stretch is his answer. I whine as he stops rubbing my belly. His responding chuckle lightly ruffles my hair, "ok, ok"

Both hands are rubbing my belly along with Erwin fully pressing along my back, face nuzzling the back of my neck.
I don't think I can pur any louder.

"Trying to outdo me Erwin?"
Levi presses closer, almost stopping Erwin's hands from how close, and both hands start rubbing my ears.
Evidently I was wrong, I can pur louder.

"Gotta make everything a competition, eh Levi?"

Erwin starts alternating between kisses and mouthing my skin. Levi grunts and moves up my body a little. I gasp as he starts mouthing my ears.

Before Erwin can retaliate a shrill ringing breaks the air.

Erwin groans as he dramatically rolls over and looks at the message on his phone. He curses under his breath before he starts to rush out of the nest and straighten his clothes.

"Sorry Eren, Levi get up we gotta go now. Hanji needs help right now. It's the scouts."

Levi starts to scramble up, with me right behind him. I grab Erwin's shirt and make a distressed whine to vocalise my concern. He cradles my face with both of my hands and puts our foreheads together.

"Don't worry Eren, we'll be fine, we've had a few casualties between a large amount of our members and the Titans and Hanji is having a rough time getting a handle of things." The room is filled with rushing as Levi and Erwin set themselves in order.

I follow them out to the door with a disappointed pout. Erwin leans in and his lips meet with mine. It's soft and sweet, as if trying to make up for having to leave me so quickly.
A whine escapes me as he's abruptly pushed away but it gets cut off as my mouth becomes occupied.
Levi's kiss is sweet, but it's a bit harsher than Erwins. I'd snort at the competitive spirit of it if my mind wasn't currently a puddle of mush.
We both seem to lose ourselves in the motion, the kiss becoming slow, Levi trying to commit the feel of my lips to memory. Erwin has to break us up as Levi's wandering hands find themselves squeezing my ass.

"We really have to go, we can't stay here any longer hanji really needs our help"
Levi grunts in response and kisses my hand before he makes his way out into the hallway.
Erwin's hand slides down for a quick squeeze, winking with a flirty smile before quickly following after Levi. I shake my head fondly as I close the door.

'Life certainly won't be boring with those two.'

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