Chapter 1 : My Adventure starts with this Useless Goddess

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AUTHORS NOTE :3, I originally posted this story on FanFiction.Net, so you can check it our there aswell. I decided to post this in Wattpad, cause I was bored. Hope you enjoy the story, reviews are always appreciated :33


Also, this is a fic of KonoSuba, if you have not watched it, I HIGLY suggest you do, and then read my fic :3

EDIT : I Just finished revising the first chapter :DD, I'll be revising the rest soon

Kazuma would have been completely content sleeping on a pile of hay if he didn't have to wake up to some useless, debt collecting water goddess every morning. It has been months since he had accepted his journey into this fantasy world, and he had never regretted something as much as bringing this useless goddess with him.

"Kazuma~~, Kazuma~" Aqua said with a pout on her face pulling his arm repeatedly.

"What is it?" Kazuma said, fixing his hair from the hay while mentally preparing himself for what Aqua is about to say. Yeah thats right, he has to prepare himself for what stupid thing she would say.

"Why does someone as beautiful as me, have to sleep with a NEET in a stable," Aqua said while flaunting her hair and teasing Kazuma at the same time.

He was spot on, he knew the goddess long enough to know when she would say stupid things.

"We're in a stable because a certain someone keeps earning debt at the guild and destroying my savings," Aqua crosses her arms and puffs her cheeks.

"Hmph it's not my fault you don't make enough money with our quests."

"Its kind of hard to make money with a useless goddess who gets eaten by toa-"

"God's Blow!" A mad Aqua sends Kazuma flying to the wall, making a loud noise.

"Dont remind me about that! My followers would leave me if they found out I lost to a toad!"

The annoyed landlord next door bangs on the wall. "Oi you guys, quiet down!"

"Sorry! Sorry! We're Sorry!" They said in synchrony.

The duo head to the guild to meet up with Megumin and Darkness to accept a quest, Megumin has get usual getup with her hat, trusty staff and eye patch and Darkness with her full plate armor, nothing too out of the ordinary.

The party starts staring at the bulletin board finding a quest to do for the day.

"Kazuma! Kazuma!" The loli wizard says while pulling Kazuma's shirt.

"Yes, I'm Kazuma," she says while looking for quests at the bulletin board.

"Let's take this one!" Megumin says as she shoves the paper in Kazuma's face.

Kazuma looks to read the quest. "It's the season for snow sprites again! Kill 25 snow sprites. Prize: 500,000 Eris."

"No," Kazuma said immediately after reading the word. "Snow sprites."

"Ehhh? Why not! I can blow them all up with my explosion again!" Megumin grinning as she said the word explosion.

Its been a while since Kazuma died to the snow freak, apparently what his party members failed to tell him was that killing snow sprites angered a snow samurai that would chop your head off. He had died once already, this would not be his second.

"Kazuma! Kazuma!" Called the water goddess while pulling his shirt from his other arm.

"Yes, I'm Kazuma."

I Fell In Love With a Useless Godess (Konosuba)Where stories live. Discover now