Chapter 3

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Authors NOTE :D, For those who are still reading, Thank You!!! :3 I hope you guys are enjoying the fic so far, and suggestions are criticism are ALWAYS appreciated, thanks!

EDIT : CHAPTER 3 reviseeeddd!
P.S. Sorry the chapter is shorter than the other ones, I promise i'll make the next one longer

"Almost done!"

Recently Kazuma has been trying to make inventions from Japan here in Axel. This is Kazuma's first project, it is a table at about just below knee height with a cloth above it that covers the gap between the legs of the table.

"You are still doing that? You stupid NEET" Aqua said sitting on the couch drinking tea that had recently turned into pure water.

Megumin tapped Kazuma in the shoulder fro, behind "Ne Kazumaa~, What are you making?"

Kazuma perks up at the question and gets out from under the table to answer Megumin, "It is a glorious fortress of ultimate defense! Used by hikkimori all over the world! It is called the Kotatsu!" Kazuma seemed oddly jumpy today

Darkness, completely oblivious to whatever Kazuma is talking about, taps Kazuma in the back, "Kazuma! Can we do a quest today?"

Kazuma stops to ponder for a bit, "Sure, but lets take a Treant quest, I need wood to finish my invention, is that fine with you Megumin?"

"Can I use explosion of them?"


Megumin replies without hesitation "I'm in!"

Kazuma looks over to the side to ask Aqua, "Aqua?"

"Yeah, whatever"

Kazuma puts his tools over to the side and changes out of his jumpsuit then into his usual attire. Kazuma was now sporting a white shirt topped off by a green cape with a slanted belt and black pants.

He and Darkness, and Megumin walk to the front door, until they saw Aqua trying to pry open a bottle of wine

"Aqua! Come on! We're going already!"

"Wait, stupid NEET! I'm coming!" Aqua said as she dashed out the door, dropping her bottle of wine on the floor shattering it.

Kazuma looked at the puddle of wine and glass on the floor, '*sigh* More things to clean I guess'

As the Adventurers reached the guild, Kazuma accepted the quest for treant slaying. Treants were tree-like monsters that move, the reward for the quest was eris, but more importantly, Kazuma could use them as a wood source for his inventions.

*Quest! Kill 5 Treants, Start!*

The group huddles up and awaits Kazuma's instruction, "Heres the plan, Aqua, give Darkness and me a speed boost. Darkness, act as bait and bring a bunch of treants over to one place where Megumin can use explosion.

"Got it!" The three shout in unison

They reach the forest where treants are commonly found. Kazuma looks around, "They should be here any moment now."

Right on cue, 5 treants suddenly appeared out of the forest charging at Darkness.

"Speed boost!" Aqua shouts twice, giving Darkness and Kazuma a significant speed boost.

As Darkness is running around, albeit while drooling. Kazuma is taking care of the treants that ignored Darkness. He had recently learned a skill called snipe, that was more effective the higher the luck stat he had, It was the perfect skill for someone like him, who has below average stats in everything except luck.

I Fell In Love With a Useless Godess (Konosuba)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum