iii. lee felix

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[ written : march 16, 2018 - my bday :o ]

Felix Lee

Hey, sorry it's been so long since we've talked. It's been four years since I've stopped responding to your messages without any notice. Obviously, there was a reason why I stopped talking to you and I suppose you need to know despite this happening a long time ago.

Back in 7th grade, I received a cute note on top of my desk and it was neatly folded in an envelope. I had no clue who could've put that there, but some of my classmates hinted it to be from you. Some of them even witnessed you placing it there.

At that time, I didn't know how to feel. I was so confused that I had to stop communicating with you in any way possible. I'm sure you noticed how I wouldn't say "hi" anymore when you pass by the hallways, or how I would open your messages late on purpose to avoid a conversation with you.

I'm sincerely sorry that I only said this now.


hey felix

that's okay really lol

i actually kinda forgot what i put in that note, but yes that was me

but thank you for still letting me know

Oh gosh, I still feel bad though

I'm really sorry, (y/n)

Thank you for responding back

hey, no problem

don't worry about it, i didn't hold a grudge lmao

i'm just surprised you remember that

Ah, I have it posted on a board in my room

It was really weird receiving it back in middle school to be honest

But now, it's like one of the few things that motivate me in life lol

oh lol that's very sweet

how could such a cringey note motivate you? i'm curious ;;

i can even barely remember what i said to you that day

Ah, it'll just be my secret then

no faaaaair

It's not my fault you're forgetful~

okay, fair enough lol

so, how's life been treating ya?

Hmm, I've been very stressed the past few weeks to be honest

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