52. bang chan

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chris <3

(y/n), let's talk about this

i don't want to

the last time i checked, all you wanted to do was yell at me

i'm sorry, (y/n)

chan, just stop

stop it

i'm tired of this

i don't want to hear any more

please listen to me

i didn't mean to yell at you or accuse you

i was just... stressed

oh geez sure

let's take all the anger out on me

i get that you were stressed

but you were really rude

you don't understand, (y/n)...

now i'm the one who doesn't understand? (:

how do you think i felt when you called me a cheater?

how do you think i felt when you embarrassed me in front of your friends and told them i was doing something nasty behind your back?

you don't even have proof

and God knows i'll never do that to you

but after all that, i chose not to yell back at you in front of them

i just silently left

yet i'm the one who doesn't understand?

you've got to be kidding me, chan...

i know you didn't do any of those

and i'm sorry for yelling at you in front of them

i don't know why i even thought of that in the first place

i guess i just acted impulsively

i didn't mean for my anger to go that far that you had to take responsibility for all of it...

i'm glad you're aware

but that doesn't change the fact that i'm not gonna let this slide easily

i know...

i'm sorry, (y/n)

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