2. The Call

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{Naiyah's POV}


Cold. That's what people are suppose to feel in winter. That's not what you're suppose to feel. But not me, I feel cold all the time. I will always feel cold.

A sigh escaped my lips as I look over at the view from my window, the mountains in the distance always takes my breath away. The pine trees so tall that even buildings were no match for them. My cabin was home, well close to home as I can get. It might not have been my original homeland bit it was close to my people.

I live way up in the Mescelaro mountains of New Mexico. I had it built for me a couple years ago. And just below on the mountain live my very distant relatives. They know what I am, they know my story. They welcomed me with open arms. At gatherings I always tell the younger children of my childhood.

It took awhile but I finally decided to settle down, in one place that is. I have other places across the country, even a few in different ones. But this place, I will always come back to it. It's where my people are.

It does get lonely though, being up here alone. But that's just the way it is.

I slightly shake my head and get up from my window seat and head to my library. Over the years I collected a few hobbies. My book collection is probably one of my favorite things about this life I have now.

I gently ran my fingers on the countless books I have here. Most books are older than others, the spine worn from the years of constantly reading it over and over again. Nowadays people read from audio books and such but not me. I like to physically hold a book and get lost in the words. I like the concept of travel to different places but not actually leaving my house. Of course books aren't the only thing I like to do now. Hiking, walking, art, music. I have a lot of free time so I try to keep busy where I'm not bored.

I randomly grabbed a book from the shelf, and open to a random page and start to read. "to be, or not to be. That is the question. " I whispered to myself. I sighed, "wow, why must Shakespeare know everything about my life. " I shake my head and put the book on the shelf.

I was about to choose a different book when my phone rang. I pulled my Samsung out of my back pocket and answered it even before I looked at the caller ID. "hello..."

"Naiyah we need your help. "

I stopped in my tracks, "Jasper? Why are you calling, is everything alright? "

"We have a problem, new borns are getting too close to Forks. I didn't know who else to call."

Great, I thought. Why did it have to be new borns. I sighed. "I'll be there as soon as I can."

"Thank you, I couldn't think of anyone better to call. I'll explain more of the situation when you arrive. "

"See you later Jasper, and bye Alice. " I say knowing she was listening. I hung up and headed up to my room. Looks like I'm going on a trip.

A small grins made it to my face, I this is going to be a very interesting trip. I think to myself as a pack some clothes.

(Jasper POV )

I chuckle as she hung up. I small smile on my face as I look at Alice. Naiyah will most likely be here tomorrow night knowing she liked to travel by foot. But he didn't underestimate her speed. She was fast. It was her speed and knowledge we needed to win this fight.

Naiyah has been a good friend of ours for a long time. In fact she was one of his best friends.

"She's on her way. She might be here tomorrow night." I say to my family as they waited for me to get done with the call.

Carlisle nodded, "good. Her being here will be a great advantage. "

Bella looked confused as she sat by Edward on the couch. "wait who's coming? "

"One of our good friend. She has, like Jasper, knowledge of new borns. She can teach us a thing or two." Carlisle said.

Rosalie spoke with a small smile on her face. "I'll go get her room ready for when she arrives. " she says and heads up the stairs.

Jasper watched as everyone began to talked about the arrival of Naiyah, she had an impact on everyone here. She made friends with the rest of my family so easy. Even if she is living somewhere else she is still apart of the family.

He looks to Bella and Edward, "you better tell the pack that another one of us is coming to Forks, they deserve to know before we start the training. " They nod and get up and leave.

Now the real work is about to begin....

{Wow, can't believe I finished this chapter, it's not as long as the last one but hey, was kind of in a rush. Don't know when I can update next but I will try. Well hope you enjoyed it. Bye! }

{By the way, the place where Naiyah lives is an actual real place. It's on a reservation in southeastern New Mexico where the Mescelaro Apaches live. For this story I will be adding some real facts about the tribe and many different others. Since I don't see a lot of native American stories out there I wanted to put a little history in them. So I hope you guys like history cause there's going to be a lot. Just warning you now. OH and the picture above us the view of Naiyah's home and it's a real picture of Mescelero so I hope you like that small geography lesson so.... Yeah.... }

Finally (A Paul Lahote love story )Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon