Chapter Nineteen

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(A/N) This book is slowly reaching more and more people and it makes me so happy. Thank you to everyone who reads it. Please enjoy and don't forget to vote and comment, it helps me out a lot :)

Ervin Lance sat down on the bed, staring at the television that sat on a the floor. He had the house phone in his hand, ready to dial a number. After doing so, he pressed the phone to his ear.

"Hello?" A voice said on the other line.

Ervin clutched the phone tightly in his hand, smiling to himself. "Hey, Penelope. It's me, Ervin from last year's chemistry class. Not sure if you remember me."

"Holy crap. I remember you," Penelope smiled. "Yea you were the one that accidentally burned a whole through the teachers desk."

Ervin blushed and chuckled. He nodded. "Yea. That was me. Um but anyways, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out sometime."

"Like a date?"

The boy's hand became sweaty. He was thankful that he was sitting down, otherwise he would have fallen straight on his ass thanks to his weak knees.

"Y-yea. Like a date I suppose."

Penelope paused for a few seconds. It made Ervin feel even more nervous. He was thinking what her response would be. 'Hell no' or maybe something like 'Fuck off'. He had been preparing himself for the worse answer she could possibly give him.

"Sure!" She said cheerfully.

Ervin blinked. He was... surprised that she actually said yes since she was a pretty popular girl in school. From freshman to senior year. At the graduation ceremony, the whole audience was hollering when her name was called.

"Oh shit. Really?" Penelope giggled and Ervin let out a sigh of relief. "So when are you free?"

Penelope shrugged her shoulders. "Mm. Any day works for me really."

Ervin's eyes wondered over to the calendar over on his wall. It was the ninth of August. "So how about Wednesday, the twelfth?"

"Yea that works perfectly."

Ervin's smile spread more. "Perfect. I'll pick you up at around five?"

"Sure. I expect to be picked up in a rocket ship and be flown out to outer space on the moon." Sarah laughed softly as Ervin did at well. "I'm totally kidding. I'll see you on Wednesday."

Ervin bit his lip and his cheeks got more red. He hung up the phone. He was finally going on a date with Penelope Worth, the girl he'd had a crush on since the beginning of junior year.


"So what can you tell me?" Walter asked with a cup of coffee in his hand.

"There really wasn't much evidence to collect. There is only the car. I dusted it for prints but nothing came of it. No footprints or anything. All we got is the car and the little girl."

Walter sighed as the man talked. He was disappointed that there was no evidence that could possibly even look for this person.

"So about the car, i–is it registered to anyone?"

The man nodded and looked down at his clipboard of papers on it. "Yea, a man by the name of Leonardo LaBelle."

Walter felt like crushing the cup of coffee in his hand. So her own grandfather decided to kidnap her? For what reason? He felt confused and angry. He set the cup of coffee down onto the table, taking in a couple of deep breaths. "Are you sure?"

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