Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Evelyn walked inside of the hospital room that Ervin was inside of, still recovering from the brutal assault he encountered from The Midnight Rose Murderer. It truly disturbed him that not only did he discover the body of Monica Worth, but he also came in contact with one of America's most notorious serial killers of all time.

"How are you, honey? Doing better?" Evelyn asked her son. Ervin had finally awoken earlier that morning and had refused to speak since then. He was traumatized and deeply upset that his date was sabotaged.

Ervin only shrugged at his mother. He was unhappy that Sarah was sitting in the same room as him. It fueled his anger as he didn't want a gay person near him.

A light tap on the door was heard before it opened wide and a doctor, along with a nurse, walked in.

"Hey there, Ervin. Were just here to check up on you," The doctor said as the nurse began to check on his vitals, IV bag, and such. "How you feeling? Any pain?"

Ervin looked off to the side, uncomfortable with speaking to anyone.

The doctor sighed and placed her hand on the bed. She tried her best to give him a genuine smile. "Look, I know this isn't easy. I know you're scared but you have nothing to worry about. You're safe here." She tilted her head to the side as her light brown hair swayed with her as well. "Do you trust me?"

"I trust no one," Ervin whispered. The doctor gently patted his lap before looking over at the nurse who nodded his head.

"We'll be back in a few hours to check up on you." The kind doctor flashed Ervin a smile before walking out of the room with the nurse. It was hard to comfort a victim that belonged to the MRM. Especially when you were suppose to die.

Sarah's brown eyes wondered over to her brother, regretting for ever wishing that something bad were to happen to him.


Jordan crossed her arms as she stared down at her notes that laid on her desk. "Max recalled that Monica was seeing a man a couple months ago. He only remembers his name being Thomas. He never met the guy as well."

Jonathan stabbed his plastic fork into his salad, rolling his eyes. "That's useless information," he mumbled while shoving the salad into his mouth to satisfy his hunger. "We know that with most of his victims, he goes on dates with them. But none of them live to identify what he looks like."

"Well, except for Catherine Ottoson," Jordan said.

"Right." Jonathan rested back in his seat, remembering the day he interviewed her and spoke with the cunt of a guy, Walter. But despite being the only survivor of the MRM, she was just as unhelpful as all those dead people. She refused to speak out it, crying and screaming anytime someone tried to ask her about it.

"You think she can remember something?"

Jonathan shook his head with a scoff. "Not at all. If I had to be honest as hell, it wouldn't have mattered if she lived or died since she is just as quiet as all those dead victims."

"Well thats not very nice," Jordan said.

"Life ain't nice," Jonathan replied with a roll of his eyes. "Sometimes I wonder how you got stuck with me on this case."

Jordan shrugged a shoulder, letting herself fall into her seat and her rested her cheek in the palm of her hand.

"Yea, me too."


His heavy footsteps down the stairs filled the dark and grim basement. His victim was bruised and chained up against the wall, breathing heavily with her head bowed down.

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