Chapter 1: A Wish, and A Fox

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Akira POV

"Akira, see you tomorrow! Tell me what you think of the latest episode, alright?" My best friend, Mika, says as we part ways at the crossroad. His bright blonde hair is the stark remark of a foreigner, as he is from the Americas.

"Okay. But I still have kendo practice today, so I have to head over to the dojo. I'm not sure if I'll be able to watch it tonight." I reply as I run a hand through my white, silverish hair in a nervous manner. He pouts at me but then shakes it off. "Alright, Bright-eyes. Good luck!" I roll my eyes at the nickname.

Due to my case of heterochromia, I have had attracted a lot of attention and have been given nicknames and labels of all sorts. I have been called Bright-eyes by some, while others tend to choose a more rude nickname, like 'freak', 'weirdo', and more. I've gotten used to the insults over the years, though. My left eye is a bright blue, but my right is a sharp gold, something that is pretty rare in the world. Why I have this condition, you may ask, I have no idea. I have been told it is because my eyes lack a certain pigment that they are different colors, but other than that, this is normal for me. I was born this way.

I walk along the sidewalk with my school and kendo bag on my shoulders. Being in my second year in high school was a lot simpler than I thought. It was the same old routine as last year. And the year before that, and before that. I sigh. My life is just a record on repeat, ain't it?

'I wish that life was exciting as the anime I watch.'

Mika, being the bubbly boy that he is, was so fascinated with anime when he moved here to Japan. When he and I became friends, he started to try to get me into anime. I finally gave in to him a few months before our second year, and we have been debating anime with each other ever since. I had been recently watching an anime called 'Shirayukihime' or better known as 'Snow White with The Red Hair.' It is really amazing, and I am on the last episode of the show, so I'm dying to get back home.

I was deep in thought as I walked. I snapped out of it when I realized that the only footsteps I hear are my own. Nobody was around, which is surprising. Usually these houses would be busy with life of children and parents in the yards. But it was deserted. Not a single soul in sight.

I continue to walk down the sidewalk, when suddenly I see a glinting light shining from the ground. I stop, and look down.

It was an armlet.

Shining with a faint glow, it sat on the concrete, as if waiting for me. I stoop to pick it up, and stand back up straight again. I examine it in my hands and twist it to view the other side. The armlet was gold in color, and had a fox as the design. The fox itself was the design, and it's head met back with it's tail with its eyes closed, as if asleep. It was an incredible work of art. With all of the precise details, it almost looked lifelike!

As I shift the armlet around in my hands, I notice an inscription on the inside of the ring. I start to read it aloud. "For those who believe in wishes, take heed of this advice. For just like the fox, a wish is always more trickier than it seems." I finish with a puzzled expression.

Suddenly, the fox shifted in my hands. I almost dropped the armlet, but kept it in my hands. Was that my imagination? I watch it closely for any more signs of movement. It stood still. I let out a breath that I didn't realize I was holding. "Maybe it was my imagination..." I mumble to myself. Then, the fox's eyes opened to reveal bright green irises. They met my eyes and held them with a calculating, intelligent look, almost as if it were assessing me. I was too shocked to do anything but stare.

It made a little nod to itself, as if it were confirming something in its mind. It uncurled itself and stood in my palm. I didn't know what to do, my mind blank and my body frozen. It stretched a little before turning back to me. "You're oddly calm." A smooth, deep, male voice said. I look around for the source of the mysterious voice, but ultimately find no one around. "Over here. The fox." The voice came again. I turn back to the metal fox in my hand.

I swallow the lump forming in my throat. "You're... the fox?" It simply nodded its metallic head before running up my arm. "What the-?!" I exclaim as I take a step back to steady myself. The small fox ignored it and ran up to my upper arm. It wrapped itself around my bicep, forming its original shape as an armlet. Then all was calm, nothing moving at all. It's as if the world held its breath.

But then again, the saying 'calm before the storm' fits perfectly for this situation.

A bright blueish light surrounded me from the ground. I raise my hands up to cover my eyes. The fox armlet, which was resting on the long sleeves of my uniform, started to burn slightly. Looking over to my arm, I was shocked to see the armlet sinking into the fabric to my arm underneath.

The light grew brighter and brighter and soon, I was enveloped in it. Before I knew it, I was unable to pick out my surroundings. I felt my upper arm burning from what I knew was the fox armlet.

Then, I was falling.

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